Chapter 31

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"Alois!" I called, almost breaking the doors.

"Who the bloody-" Alois shut up, seeing me, as he stormed down the stairs.

"Alois, what's up?" I asked with a smile. He rushed down the stairs, and hugged me. He'd gotten taller.

"I was hoping you'd come!" He exclaimed.

"My highness, what is all the commotion about?" Claude appeared out of the dining room.

"Oi! Claude!" I called. He looked up, and came over to us.

"Welcome back Katie," he said happily. I pulled him into the hug.

"So, now that you're back, what o you want to do? Do you want to go play a game? Go into town? What?" He asked.

"Well, I guess I could use some clothes," I said.

"Shopping!" He exclaimed. He quickly pulled me outside, where Claude had quickly appeared with a carriage.

We entered the carriage, and rode into town. At first Alois tried to get me to a dress store, but I refused. He then took me to his Taylor, and I again refused. He asked me why, and I said it Wha his style not mine. We then finally went to a suit store. When we got there, I instantly was in the butler attire. I looked at the simple clothing, and smiled.

Claude asked me if I liked this type of clothing, and I looked at him with a 'really?' expression. He thn showed me a few styles that were familiar. Most were accompanied by tailcoats, but I took to the ones with vests. I was awkwardly fitted by the store owner, and he handed me a few suits, that were in stock. I thanked him, and the three of us left.

When we exited I found the day getting cold. Alois explained that it was nearing winter. I was still in Lau's clothes still. They were surprisingly warm. Alois asked me what I was wearing and I replied with a simple 'I don't know'. We took a walk around town, Alois stopped and bought coats for us.

Claude walked down down th Street behind us, wearing a black trenchcoat. Alois walked in a plum colored winter coat. I felt a bit nervous in the coat Alois and Claude had chosen for me. It was a black oat, not unlike Sebastian's, but my collar reached a bit above my jawline. I kept the front buttoned up, and the lower part was blown by the wind. I felt like I was going to be recognized at the Shadow Bandit.

I was in a different country, but the possibilities of being recognized, were endless. I hadn't told anyone that I was the 'Great Shadow Bandit'. I wasn't really great, but I was well know. I didn't feel guilt for what I stole, but, I did remember the feeling of excitement when I stole goods, and the owner chased me, shooting at me. The great feeling of pride, that I was taking care of my family. The dark feeling of when I was sneaking around, th clever feeling of when I broke in, without breaking a thing. It all felt amazing.

"Katie!" Suddenly I was jerked back as a carriage almost hit me. Claude had me in his arms.

"Don't space out like that," he said, letting me go.

"Sorry..." I replied with a nervous smile. Alois scolded me like a parent.

I smiled, as he had an animated freak out over my safety. I giggled. I legit giggled. Alois and Claude looked at me, surprised. I had never giggled once, in my life.

"What's so funny?" Alois asked.

"Nothing..." I said with a smile, locking arms with him.

"You're acting weird," he said.

"And you're acting like a stick in the mud!" I said, ruffling his blonde hair.

Claude smiled behind us, and a pair of girls walked into us. They looked at us disgusted, and walked past.

"Those two were together! Disgusting! Two boys together....." I heard the whisper. I grabbed the one's arms, and made her look at me.

"I am sorry Madame, but I am indeed a lady," I said politely.

The two girls looked at me, shocked, and I moved my coat off a bit. The two just looked at us.

"S-sorry....." The said. We bgan to walk away from them, and I held back laughs.

When were a ways aways, Alois and I burst into laughter, with Claude chuckling behind us.

"Their faces! You showed them! I never knew you could be so formal," Alois said.

"Oi! Don't expect me to be formal, either," I said with a smile.

I then spotted a familiar shop. I dragged Alois inside, but Claude said he'd wait outside. I ran into the shop, and found the usual display coffins. I opened each coffin up, one by one, until I came to one, and looked behind it. I found the Undertaker. I smiled, and so did he.

"Oi! How have you been?" I asked.

"Since your funeral? I've been great," he said getting up.

Alois was a tad surprised by the Undertaker.

"So, did you prepare my body?" I asked.

"Indeed......" He said with a dark smile.

"So, you put me in that damned dress?" I asked, getting angry.

"On the orders of Ceil Phantomhive," he replied.

"Well, he's going to die. I can give you his measurements if you want," I said calmly. The Undertaker bused into laughter, and we heard a crash from outside.

"You're quite th comedian Katie, so, I'll reward you. I have some very interesting information about someone you may know," he said.

"Alright, I'll take it," I said.

"I heard the Queen is in search of the Great Shadow Bandit. No one knows why, but I thought you might want to know....." He said.

"Why would care to know about an American criminal?" Alois asked.

"Oh, no reason. Rumor has it, he's disappeared, and with the exaggerations of Americans, the other countries are getting worried," the Undertaker replied.

"What exaggerations?" I asked, trying not to let concern show in my voice.

"They say he's a shadow. Not one shot hits him, and her black horse that turns into a blood colored demon whisks him away, before he can be caught," he replied.

"That sound frightening. Well, we have nothing of value for him," Alois said.

"On the contrary. He only steals food, and goods. Reason being, it's strange she's such a threat," the Undertaker replied.

"Katie, you come from America, tell us about this Shadow Bandit," Alois said, turning to me.

"I..... I know nothing of such a person," I lied.

"Rumor also has it, he kidnapped a girl, and no one's seen her since. Her parents claim that their daughter betrayed them, and said that she became the bride of the Shadow Bandit," the Undertaker continued.

"Well, what would we need to know this for?" Alois asked.

"Oh, didn't I mention? The parents last names, were James," th Undertaker replied.

"Katie....." "Thanks for the information, but, I think it was unnecessary. I know of no such person," I said, leaving.

I walked out, and found Claude, jumping down from the sky. He looked up, and I saw he had just put the Undertaker's sign back up. Alois came out shortly afterwards, and we got into the carriage. I didn't speak the whole way back. When we got to the manor, I went straight up to my old room, thanking Alois for the clothing. When I reached my room, I knew I had to do something. Those rumors were so untrue.... I needed to change those rumors.

I find a black outfit, and but a black bandana on. I placed on all black clothing, and put my new coat over me. I went to my window, and looked out over the view. I jumped down, out of the window, and took off at a run. I was coming back, and I was changing my reputation. I was, the Shadow Bandit.

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