Take me home

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Spencer PoV

Im still in this old room and I'm finding it really hard to handle the pain going through my body. Blood is coming out of deep cuts from my head,arms,legs all sorts of places and bruises are already starting to show and I'm pretty sure I have broken a rib or two.All I want right now is to be in Toby's arm. I want my safe place to land. I need my safe place to land. My thoughts are interrupted when the door opens and Charlotte comes in with a tear stained face.
"Omg Spencer I'm so sorry god how could she do this to you it's going to be okay don't worry okay" she was unlocking the chains around my ankle as I was lying on the floor still in pain.
"This is my fault I'm sorry I thought I was helping you" she stopped unlocking my chains and started crying. I didn't know what I was meant to do what am I meant to do in a situation like this.
"Charlotte" I said quietly and once she heard my voice she stopped crying and looked up at me.
"Please take me the hospital...please" the pain is unbearable now this could be my way out of here Charlotte could give in take me home.
"I-I want to trust me but mummy will get you again and it would be worst" I would normal think to myself don't worry your a Hastings you can change anyone's mind but I don't know if I actually am anymore I'm not sure of anything
"Please Charlotte" my voice cracks I didn't even notice I was crying until I see a tear drop on the floor
"You might not be out for long and once she gets you again she won't trust me so I won't be there to help you" Is she giving in? Am I going home?
"She won't be back for a while but she is going to notice your gone if we take long so we have to hurry" she has unlocked my chains and is helping me stand up I was going home and I'm definitely not coming back with or without charlottes help.

I'm sorry this is a short chapter but I'm thinking maybe my 1,000 + chapters are maybe to long comment if you like short or longer ones also the promo for next episode looks amazing there is Spoby Emison and Haleb so I'm over the moon but I'm thinking Jenna/Noel shots Spencer in the arm because the boot on the floor next to blood matches the boot Spencer is wearing you may think it also could be Aria but while shooting 7x11 it shows Aria perfectly fine in the snapchat posts but Spencer is wearing a sling it is also possible for it to be Toby and Spencer is simply hurt but I would rather it be Spencer because we know she is still shooting and is fine but we don't know about Toby 😭 what are your thoughts I would love to hear them -S xoxo

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