It hurts

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Spencer PoV

As I wake up a shooting pain goes through my body I realise that I'm not in my room in the dollhouse anymore I'm in a old dirty room and I'm chained to the wall. I feel a sharp pain in my forehead as I touch it with my finger I can feel a cold liquid as I pull it away I see its blood
My thoughts are interrupted by a scream. I think it's Charlotte.
"Mummy please don't do this I'm sorry don't take it out on Spencer I will be a good girl" I hear her burst out in tears. Does she actually care about me??
"Charlotte it's the only way you will learn" I hear a calm voice say...Jessica
Then the door bursts open Jessica is standing there with a shovel and behind her is Charlotte on the floor crying next to...Wrens dead body
As I look back up at Jessica terrified an evil smirk covers her face
"I never liked him anyway" she says before closing the door and walking up to me.

Toby's PoV

I wake up to a bang at my door.
"I'm coming" I shout sleepily I hardly got any sleep though I could only think about Spencer
There is another loud knock on the door and I hear Hanna shout my name
I walk up to the door and open it just as Emily was about to knock again.
Emily,Aria,Alison,Hanna,caleb and Ezra was all at my door.
"Show him the text and and picture" Ezra says trying to whisper but he isn't the best at it.
"Show me what" I ask was it a clue about Spencer?
"This" Alison says before shoving a phone in my face
"She might care but I don't -A.D" I read in my head
"What's the picture?" I ask as Alison takes the phone back in her hand before shoving it in my face again and shows me this

D" I read in my head "What's the picture?" I ask as Alison takes the phone back in her hand before shoving it in my face again and shows me this

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Tears quickly fill my eyes and they fall down my cheeks.
"W-What does the text mean" I can't stand seeing Spencer like this why would anyone do this to her
"We don't know but it does tell us there is two people and one of them is looking after her" Caleb says and now I'm more awake I can see he has been crying they all have.
"So who do we think Jessica would work with and do we we think she cares or not" I ask before opening the door wider to let them all in.
"Spencer is Mary's daughter and Mary and Jessica didn't exactly get along with what we know so we think she is the one doing that to her" Aria says still trying to fight back the tears
"So we make a list of people who we think this mystery other person is who protects Spencer" I say as I get a piece of paper and pen
"Melissa" Hanna says before anyone else can talk she starts again " I remember Spencer told me she has been trying to protect her since before it all started possibly when Spencer was born she has been protecting her from Jessica"
I write Melissa on the list and start to think of more people
"We know it's a girl because it said she may care so who else"
I quickly try writing someone's name without the rest of the group seeing but Ezra sees
"Alison?" Ezra says confused
"What?" Alison says obviously mad
"She is your mum and Spencer's your cousin okay your on the list" I say slightly raising my voice.
"Well if I'm on the list so should the rest of the girls" Alison says midway writing Hanna's name
"What no! Trust me if I knew where Spencer was I would be with her" Hanna says taking the pen out of Alison's hand and crossing her name out
"Whatever think I know where Spencer is I don't care don't you think I would be with my family if I knew where they was!" Alison says before slamming the door shut on her way out
"Sara Harvey" Aria randomly says
(This is before Sara dies so she is still alive)
"What?" We all say confused why would Sara protect Spencer?
"She liked Charlotte for some reason why not her sister" Aria says taking the pen from Hanna and writing Sara's name
"Oh okay makes sense" Emily mumbles quietly still tears in her eyes

Alison's PoV

"JESSICA! MARY! WHO EVER YOU WANT TO BE CALLED" I say screaming as I slam the front door open.
"WHERE IS SPENCER!!" I'm shouting running around the house but she is no where to be seen then I see a blonde in the back garden of Spencer's house talking to Jessica I keep my distance and hide behind a bush trying to see who it is.
"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I just wanted to make her happy I want her to like me Spencer didn't wanted marry wren mummy" the blonde says in a familiar voice but I can't put a name to it
"I don't care he was Archers brother and she is your sister it made perfect sense for them to be together" Jessica shout whispers
My eyes widen Spencer's sister is... That would mean
"Charlotte?" I whisper to my self so they wouldn't hear me I quickly take a picture of Charlotte and run as fast as I can to Toby's house.

Toby's PoV

"Who is Vanessa?" I ask Emily we can't come up with anyone else to put the list.
"She was in Spencer's debate club" Emily says looking down at the paper crossing her name out.
"I just thought of anyone" Hanna says laughing slightly I almost laugh I'm glad she still has a sense of humour otherwise we would probably all be zombies by now.
The door slams open and for some reason I think it could be Spencer
"Spence?!" I shout but then Alison comes running round the corner
"CHARLOTTE IS ALIVE AND SHE IS PROTECTING SPENCER LOOK" she shouts throwing her phone as Ezra catches it
"Omg she's with Jessica" Ezra says now showing us the photo
"Is that Spencer's house?" Emily says turning to Alison
"Yeah they was talking about Charlotte ruining Wren and Spencer's marriage or something because she wants to be friends with her sister" my eyes go even wider at the mention of Wren and Spencer getting married
"M-Married?" I stutter trying to process the information
"Oh yeah...I don't know if they did but I'm guessing not because she was shouting at Charlotte"Alison says
"Why would Jessica want Wren and Spencer to get married" Caleb asks confused still
"Wren and Archer they...they was brothers" and everybody's jaws basically drop to the floor
"I didn't realise how complicated the Drake/ DiLaurentis /Hastings family was " that's all Hanna could say we was all in complete shock with all the information we learnt in the past week

Sorry about updating late at night again also I have another story out called ' I need your love//sparia//pretty little liars ' only one chapter out at the moment but I already know what happens in it

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