Chapter 14 - Life's a climb, but the view's great

Start from the beginning

'okay, okay. We get it. You won. Now let's go to the jacuzzi.' Alli says because Cody and I won't shut up about us winning.

We sit in the jacuzzi for 15 minutes until we get bored and then Alli and I get out.

'Are you guys coming? I'm starving.' I ask them.

'Yeah we'll be there in a minute.'

We walk to the locker without the boys and realise we've forgotten our towels and so have they.

'Heres the plan. Instead of getting our clothes wet, we'll put on their T-shirts and carry our own clothes. Then they'll have to walk through the hotel, soaking wet.' I grin at her.

'Tia, why didn't you tell me you were an evil genius?' she laughs.

I quickly put on Cody's T-shirt which is kind of baggy on me, and Alli does the same with Greyson's. We grab our own clothes from the locker, put our shoes on, and run into the lobby. The elevator is starting to close and we can hear Cody and Greyson shouting after us.

'Hold the doors open please!' we shout as we run towards the lift, like crazy ladies.

The man tries to keep them open but it's too late and we crash into the closed doors.

'We're going to have to take the stairs.' Alli says.

'You have to be kidding me! We're on the 10th floor!'

'No I'm not, now get up and run! They've seen us.'

I stand up quickly and follow Alli to the staircase. We sprint up the first few flights until the 6th floor when I can't run any further.

'Alli, I can't do it!'

'You have to! I can hear them, they're almost here!'

I'm not sure how, but I manage to run up the rest of the stairs and we run towards our room. I trip over my own feet and fall flat on my face.

'Are you okay Tia?'

'Im fine. Go on without me Al. Save yourself!' I say dramatically as I lay there with arm reached towards her.

I hear laughing behind me and roll onto my back to see Cody and Greyson laughing at us.

'You're so dramatic Tia!' Cody laughs.

'I don't know how you girls did that. There were so many stairs!'

'Neither do I Greyson, neither do I.'

We stay there in silence for a bit, getting our breath back.

'are you gonna get up Tia? Or are you just gonna lay there all day.'

'I think I'm just gonna stay down here.' I say tiredly.

'I thought you were hungry?' Cody says.

'Oh yeah. Let's go get some food!' I stand up quickly and run to our room.

'Lets order room service.' Alli says as she and I dump our clothes on the beds.

About 20 minutes later, our food arrives and I eat it so quickly, you would have thought I'd been starved my entire life. Once everyone has finished, Cody and I go to get drinks for everyone. Cody fills a glass with water at the sink and sprays some towards me.

'Oh it's on Simpson.'

I chuck a glass of water over his head and run into the bathroom to hide. Just as I turn around to lock the door, Cody runs in carrying a bottle of water. I run into the shower and he chases after me, tipping the water all over me. I grab the shower head and hold it towards him. I switch it on, as cold as it will go and spray him with it.

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