Kakeru x reader ~A rainy day~

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Hi! This will be my first Orange x reader it's probably going to be shit but I'll try please vote and follow thx! -h


*alarm clock rings*

"Ugh, so...early", you grumbled as you sat up in your bed.

The early morning sun, peeked through your window, shining into your tired eyes.

You grabbed your phone, and pulled up your crushes number, Kakeru Naruse. He moved to your school recently, and you hung out with him frequently. You started to really like the quiet cutie.

You promised to call him to wake him up every morning, and so you did it this morning.



"Wake up sleepy head", you giggled playfully.

"Good morning to you, too", he mumbled softly.

Your stomach fluttered, when you heard his voice. He sounded so cute tired.

"See ya at school, Kakeru", you say hanging up.

You sighed blissfully. You loved Kakeru with all of your heart, but you just couldn't tell him that you did. You were quite outgoing, but when it came to Kakeru, you couldn't express your deep feelings.

You got ready for school, and grabbed your bag and lunches.

"Bye mom, bye dad!", you yelled from the door.

You closed it and ran to school.

When you got to school, you looked around for your friends. You see Azusa and Naho talking to Suwa.

"Hey guys! Have you seen Kakeru?", you asked them.

The group shook their head.

"Last time I saw Kakeru was yesterday", Takako said.

Azusa looked up. "Look guys! It looks like it's going to rain later. I just saw the sun out a little while ago", she said confuzzeled.

Saku and Naho looked up to the clouding sky as well.

"The forecast said that there was a 70% chance of rain", Saku stated.

"Oooo, what if it's like one of those Shoujo mangas where you will find your true love in the middle of a downpour?!", Azusa exclaimed.

"Oh please, Azu, that only happens in a sappy manga and fanfiction", Takako told Azusa.

"It's not impossible, it would be destiny", Naho said.

"Destiny...", you murmured to yourself.

Azusa elbowed Naho and Takako, watching you look deep in thought.

"Like what if Y/n and Kakeru happens to walk home and it started raining hard-",

Takako kicked her leg, making her grab her foot and screech in pain.

Orange One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora