“Harry, please just get in the car.”

Harry’s reluctance was noted, his stubbornness felt as I practically dragged his resistant weight to the safety of the vehicle.  He tugged away from my hold, grumpily entering the car.

“You’re friends again now?”

I clambered up, resting in my seat and turning to him. The tell-tale sign of aggravation was displayed in the furrowing of his brow, the crease between the middle becoming prominent.  All I wanted was sponge kisses to it and make it disappear.

“Yeah, we talked today.”

“He didn’t try anything, did he?” Harry flinched.

“No.” I shook my head. “And I can be friends with whoever I want.” I replied cuttingly, fed up with the constant argument.

Harry’s eyes squeezed closed in frustration, hands tightly gripping the wheel, knuckles paling.

“I’m not saying you can’t, obviously I’m not going to forbid you to do anything, that’s crazy.” He countered. “But come on, Bo. He’s a fucking twat.”

His aggression wasn’t directed towards me, it was Dan. Harry didn’t frighten me. I knew how to handle his tantrums.


“He is!”

Our shouting had attracted passers-by, exiting the nearby shops and heading for their cars. They didn’t need to know our business.

“You need to calm down now, or I’m not going anywhere with you.” I scolded.

An amalgamation of hurt and anger consumed Harry’s features, grunting in annoyance and turning away. The driver’s door was swung open, feet touching the tarmac. The car shook with the abrupt slam and I was left in silence. I carefully observed the back of him through the window. His backside rested against the door as he leant over slightly, hands to his knees. Harry’s torso deeply inhaled the air around him, fighting for the equilibrium he desperately clasped at.

I was ready to jump out of the vehicle when Harry suddenly shoved away from the car, frightened that he might pursue Dan. But I needn’t have worried as he diverted his course in the opposite direction, striding over to the wall. The thoughts of doubt were pushed to back of my mind, climbing down from the car and following after Harry. When I reached him, his weight was supported by the low wall, palms flat to the top of the brick. His body was once again bent over slightly, head hung down.

My effort was soon rewarded, enabling me to sit to the side of Harry on the wall. I left him for a few minutes, allowing his breathing to stabilise before raising my hand and combing my fingers between his hair.

“You alright?” I asked somewhat warily.

“Fine.” He grumbled.

Visibly, he seemed more relaxed, leaning slightly into my touch. It amazed me how a simple gesture could provide such comfort, a tranquil state making itself know and releasing the tension in his muscles.

“That’s good.”

He stood to his full height, my hand falling to his chest. A frown was held, but this time it wasn’t accompanied with pursed lips. Instead they were soft and pouted, attempting to find the right words.

“I didn’t mean to…”

“I’m glad that you’ve calmed down.” I interrupted his wavering sentence.

Guilt was all he had to offer me, remorse at raising his voice, for storming off. But I much preferred him to walk away rather than stay and let that anger boil over. Sometimes you just needed to remove yourself from the situation and apparently he was learning to do just that.

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