The Christmas Miracle

Start from the beginning

Then the well we had made in our crouch position started to glow a lilac colour.

"Hold it." I said under my breath as I kept my eyes locked on the Nightmares racing towards us.  "Hold it." 

Just a few more seconds.  I closed my eyes tight and waited for the light of the street lamps to disappear from behind my closed eye lids.  3... 2... 1... "NOW!"  I yelled as I stood up straight as fast as I could and spread my arms out as Ice spread out her wings.

The lilac light started to shine all around us and burn or explode the Nightmares.  When I felt the power dim, I slowly opened my eyes and saw that there were only 9 Nightmares left.  I felt Ice advance towards their still and frightened for from beside me but I put my arm out in front of her to stop her attack.  I gave Ice a smile and then turned towards the remaining Nightmares. 

Like when Jack blows onto a snowball to make kids have fun, I have a power of my own similar to it. 

I smiled at them and sang a high note.  While I was singing I watched as the lilac mist came from my mouth and consumed the nightmares.  When I stopped, I watched as the mist faded away and saw that 8 of the9 Nightmares turned into lilac colored unicorns.  I know, girly, right? But unicorns are known for bringing luck to travelers. 

I smiled as they galloped off to wherever they were going.  I turned to the 9th one to see it has lilac skin but still had black sand patches.  I slowly walked over to where it was cowering and placed a gentle hand on its head.  He must have been very strong to not transform completely.

"You are a special one.  I have a great role for you to play." I whispered to it and placed a soft kiss on its head. Stepping back, I watched as it glowed.  When it dimmed down again, a giant, strong unicorn stood proud.  It's lilac skin shone a silvery color and it's hair and tail were lilac with golden strips in.

"My, aren't you hansom.  I'm gonna call you... Primaro which means' the protector'." I laughed as it nuzzled into my side.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" I heard somebody shout.  I turned to see Pitch weakly stand up. "YOU DESTROYED EVERYTHING! "

Before I could blink, Pitch throw black sand knives a me.  Just before they hit me a blue light flew past and hit them to the ground.  When I looked at them on the ground, I saw that thy where covered in a thick layer of ice.

"Stay away from her, Pitch!" I heard him shout. Jack. I turned around to the guardians and saw that they where all standing with power radiating off of them.

"Wow." I whispered.  "I will never get used to seeing them like that."

Just as Pitch was about speak, a blinding light shine from the moon and hit the ground in front of Pitch.  The light suddenly disappeared leaving 3 figures standing.  Manny and my parents.

"Pitch, old friend, you have caused many problems.  25 years ago I gave you one final warning but you have chosen to ignore it.  With the power invested in me, I send you to the Oblivion for the next hundred years. You have gotten off lucky, anyone else would have sent you for a millennium."  Manny spoke with power, then he clicked his fingers causing a tornado to consume Pitch.  All you could hear was his screams of protest the nothing and the tornado disappeared.

I walked over to them and thy all enveloped me into a big bear hug, nothing compared to Norths though.  "Honey, I have a gift for you."  My mother said.  Before I could ask what, she put her hands on my head and stroked my hair down to my waist.  When she let go, I gasped while I  looked at my hair to see it had been turned into a lilac color.  It had been parted in the middle and my bangs were a golden color. My mother grabbed the two pieces of hold and clipped the, loosely at the back of my head.  "There."  she smiled at me.  I grinned back and hugged her.  "Now your ready to see that lovely boy of yours." she whispered.

She let go and I turned my attention to the guardians.  They were all smiling at me.  I spread my arms out and took on step forward.   I couldn't take anymore because after that I was engulfed in hugs by Ice, North, Bunny, Sandy and Tooth, even the children.

"You're alive!" They all shouted, well the guardians did.  I laughed at them and hugged them back.  After a few minutes we pulled away and grinned at each other.   My grin dropped when I didn't see Jack.  I walked around them to see Jack standing there with a unreadable face.

I threw my cloak on the floor after taking it off and walked over to Jack.  His eyes followed my every movement as he leaned in his staff. 

"Jack?" I asked when I 1 foot in front of him.

"This isn't real."  was all he said.

"What isn't real, Jack?" I asked with concern in my tone.  I placed my warm hand on his cold cheek.  I smiled softly when I felt him lean into my hand.

" I was right there when you died.  I could have saved you.  I could have..."  he took a deep breath as his voice crack.  " I could have stopped him from killing the girl I love.  I thought I lost you, Stephanie."  he croaked.  I watched a single tear rolled down his cheek.  It froze next to my thumb so I carefully whipped it away.

"I love you, Jack.  And I promise with everything I have, I will never, and I mean never, leave you again.  I love you."  I then kissed him, with everything I had and he responded right away.  The kiss was soft and gentle as I wrapped my arms around his neck but when he tugged my waist closer it became more needy and hungry.  I tugged on the hair at the back of his neck when his tongue flicked out and traced along my bottom lip.  Before I could open up for him, something cold hit the back of my head.  I gasped and pulled away from Jack. 

I turned around to see Bunny laughing his head off with some snow stuck to the fur of his left paw.  I slowly crouched down and scooped up a ball of snow. 

"You're so going to pay, Kangaroo. " I smirked, stand up straight.  Bunny's laughing died down but before he could run, I hurdled the snowball at his head.

Man, it's good to be back.


Hey frosties, I'm so so sorry for the long wait.  I will make sure not to do that again. 

Next chapter will be the LAST chapter of BMM.

Hey!  Dry those eyes boys and girls cause I am planning a sequel.  To make sure that sequel happens I would like you guys to tell me what you think about it.

Final note! I will be doing a competition!  I am looking for somebody to create a new cover for this book. 

You can be as creative as you like but it has to link with the book.

The winner will get the final chapter dedicated to them and for one time only, I will read one of their books they would like me to read or another wattpad user's books.

Deadlines will be on July 1st.

Any entries please send to the email -

Name them as BMM Book Cover Competition and good luck.

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