The Christmas Miracle

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Jack's POV

"A - a - ah" an angelic voice said. I knew who that voice belonged to but it couldn't be, I must be hearing things.

Pitch tried to attack us again but another ray of light destroyed it before it could hit us. "Now, what did I just say?" the voice asked with amusement.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Pitch exclaimed, obviously frustrated.

"Well I go by many names. Goddess, Legend, Myth. . . Spirit, Apollo, Muse. My personal favourite though, is. . . Guardian." When the voice finished, a shooting star came hurtling towards us. Everyone was staring at it in awe, then it landed in front of us with a loud thud, vibrating the ground underneath us.

When the light around it dimmed I could see a figure in a long, white cloak. I couldn't see who it was since their back was towards us. "My name is Stephanie Fray Muse, the guardian of adventure and Goddess of music. Miss me?" The person asked Pitch, a grin in her voice, as she pulled off the hood of her cloak. My eyes went wide when I realized who the person was.

She turned to face us with a playful smile on her face. Her hair was a dark brown like my staff with blue and silver strands in her bangs which went past her shoulders. Her skin was slightly tanned with a unique glow to it. Her face was exactly the same but her eyes were a lilac color with a dark purple around the iris causing stood out more than they used to. She was wearing a silver, glittery dress that stopped at her mid-thigh and a white cloak draped over her shoulders.

"Wow. . . You guys look terrible." She said. "No offence." She added. "No way." I heard little voices whisper. I turned around to see all the kids stirring at Stephanie in awe. " Who are you?" Aaron asked, his eyes still wide.

"Well, pup, I'm Apollo but you can call me Steph," she smiled sweetly at Aaron, then her features turn hard and she whipped around to Pitch walking slightly towards him. "But some creep in a dress, decided to shoot me in the stomach. Now I'm back to avenge my own death. Gotta say, that was a despicable thing to do to a person, I mean, geez, do you want to kill everyone you meet?"

Pitch seemed to snap out of his state of shock and put on a evil grin. "More or less."

"And yet, you wonder why no one believes in you. Maybe if you were actually a decent person then kids might believe." Stephanie commented.

"You are respected if you act like me." Pitch stated.

Steph's Pov

"No, that's where you are wrong, Pitch." I spat. "People fearyou if you act the way you do."  I let a little sadness flow into my tone.  I felt sorry for Pitch, he was like the guy in movies who goes crazy from loneliness.

"Don't pity me, child!" Pitch roared.  I smiled at him, as innocent as I could while rocky back and forth on my heels. "Why, who said I was pitying you?  You brought this on yourself, Pitch.  Some people say that everybody can change, but if you think about it, when it comes to people like you, there is just no hope." I stated.

"Well this... Reunion, was lovely but lets get down to business shall we?" Pitch asked, showing his yellow teeth.

"We shall." I answer. I gave a little whistle and before I could blink, Ice was one my shoulder in eagle form. "You ready?" I asked her. She gave a nod and we both turn back to facing Pitch who was making an extreme amount of Nightmares. " Attack 17. The one we made in 1789." I said , before she could reply, Pitch let out a battle cry causing the hundreds of Nightmares to charge at us.

Ice flew off of my shoulder and onto the ground next to me.  I slowly crouched into a ball on the floor while Ice spread out her large wings and wrapped them around herself.

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