The Oath

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Steph's pov

The dark night sky was lit up by the moon's glow and Sandy's bright, strings of dream sand.  Every so often you would see a group of tooth fairies fluttering passed with a child's tooth in their small hands or quarters strapped to their hips.

The snowball fight had lasted an hour and half.  We had moved from the park to the lake.  It was a ruth less battle, every man for themselves.  Who one, you may as.  Well,  who do you think did?  His is basically the king of winter.  Jack Frost.

"Stephanie." North said, instantly gaining my attention.  I turned to face him to see a big book almost the size as Sandy with a 'G' imprinted on the leather cover in one of his muscular arms.

My eyes went wide as I realised why that book was so familiar.  I wouldn't be shocked if my eyes popped out of my head at this point.

"Are you ready?" Tooth asked as Sandy, Bunnymund, North, Jack and herself stood in a line a few feet in front of me.  I gave a hesitant nod before standing straight with my head held high and a confident look on my face.

"You must now take oath." North announced. "Will you, Stephanie Apollo Muse, vow to watch over the children of the world?  To guard them with your life, their hopes, their wishes and their dreams, for they are all that we have, all that we are and all that we will ever be?"

"I..." glancing at all of the guardians made me think of all the time we had spent together, even though if was short, it felt like it was as long as since I became... well, me to now.  And if I am going to spend the rear of my life with them,  its going to make my forever seem much, much longer than it will be.  And to spend it with them seems absolutely, unbelievably wonderful.

I looked over my shoulder to see everyone stand behind me.  Waiting for what I was going to say, because my answer could change everything.  Will change everything, for them and for me.

I turned my attention back to the guardians who seemed to almost start to lean forward in anticipation.  "I will."  I grinned proudly.

"Then congratulations, Stephanie Muse for you are now AND FOREVER MORE!" he exclaimed the last part. "a guardian." he added softly.  Cheers erupted all around me and the power I felt go into me was almost enough to knock me off of my feet.

I was squeezed in to tight hugs by my parents as Sandy made fireworks explode in the sky out of his golden sand.

Ice came over to me with the little tooth fairies and Tooth and place a necklace of colourful feather around my neck. "Congratulations.". Tooth said as she turned to fly away from me.  Ice turned into her usual sloth and wrapped herself around my waist as North walked over to me.

"You figured out your centre?" North asked with a soft smile. 

"It took longer than I expected, but I figured it out in the end." I shrugged.  North chuckled and opened my hand to place something in it.  He closed my hand and patted my back before walking away. 

I looked down at my closed hand and opened it to see a little wooden me with a grin on my face and a purple backpack on my back.  A smile spread across my lips as I let out a slight laugh.

"What's so funny?" I heard Jack say. I jumped slightly and punched him in the shoulder.

"You don't sneak up on people like that, Jack!" I tried to say seriously but it didn't work as much as I planned when a big smile spread across my lips.

He grinned at me before he tucked his staff under his arm. "Watch this." he said.  He started to move his hands each other in a small circle motion causing a pale blue light to form in between them.  Not long after, Jack had an ice tiara in his hands.

"I was planning to give this to you on your birthday but there was a... complication with that idea." Jack muttered to me.  I leaned into him and gave him a peck on the lips.

"It's beautiful, Jack. Thank you." I smiled.  He gently placed it on my head like he was scared that it might break. 

"There.  Now you look like a real princess." he grinned as I laughed at what he said.

"The sleigh is here." North exclaimed and everyone started to bord it.

"Wait!" I turned to see the kids running towards us. I left the Guadiana and walked over to the rambling children.

"You're leaving?"

"But what if Pitch comes back?"

"What if we stop believing again?"

"If we can't see you, that would mean you..."

"Woah, woah, woah.  Calm down.  Are you trying to the me that after all we've been through, you're just going to forget?". I asked with a sly smile on my face.

"No." they mumbled.

"That's what I thought. Here." I said and cupped my hands together and blew into the small gap between them.

I separated my hands to see a snow globe with all of us guardians inside of it.

"If you kids are so worried that you about forgetting, take this." I said handing it to them.  "Now I must go." I got up and turned to walk back to the sleigh.

"Stephanie!" I heard a voice call.  I turned around only to be tackled to the ground by the children who where all giggling as the guardians, my parents, Manny and Ice (who must of snook off of my waist at some point) just laughed at me.

Soon enough, all of the kids crawled off of me and I was on the sleigh l, flying off with the guardians.

Jack and I were sat at the back of the sleigh waving at everyone as we floor away.

My name is Apollo. How do I know that?  'cause the moon told me so, and if the moon ever tells you something. Always. Believe it.



If you guys would like a sequel to this story please reply in the comments and make sure you vote.

I've had so much fun writing this even if there have been a few slow updates here and there.

Imagine....      Read.....     Live.....

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