Chapter 6

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Zayn's POV

"Savannah, have you figured out anything at all?" I sighed as Savannah paced back and forth.

"I'm scared, Zayn. For starters, Frank will kill me if I help... He already is hating the fact I talk to you... I don't know what I'm supposed to do." Savannah sighed, sitting at the end of the bed.

"You need to find out fast, I haven't heard too much from from the other guy last night." I stated, biting my lip.

Savannah swallowed.

"Give me until tomorrow, I'll have a plan." Savannah nodded to herself.

Selena's POV

I stared at the message on my phone, shaking a little.

A discrete image of a blood covered face was on my phones screen, captioned 'I did warn you. And it seems the poor unsuspected boy might have one last night. You have until 10pm to do what I've told you, or Chaz Somers death is on your hands.'

I sniffled, trying to keep in a sob.

The stupid blackmailing ass sent me an image of Chaz.

His nose dripping with blood, his cheeks swollen and bruised.

His eyes were squeezed shut, meaning he was awake when the photo was taken...

If I don't do what I was ordered to do, Chaz will be killed.

And I'm not letting a life be taken, because of me.

I sighed, biting my bottom lip.

I guess I have to do what I'm told.

Ryan's POV

"Why didn't you call me earlier!? What if he's run off... o-or worse!?" Justin bombardered me with questions when we met at the terminal at LAX.

We both took the first flight we could to LA, Justin's plane landed earlier than mine so I know he'd been waiting for me.

"I thought he didn't want to talk to me!" I defended myself, but I still felt unbearably guilty.

I mean, if I cared more about Chaz, I should've called Justin faster.

"Ugh, I'm sorry, Ryan... I'm just freaking out... With Zayn missing, now Chaz... I just... who's next, you know?" Justin sighed.

I licked my lips, "We have to stay positive, for them..."

Justin nodded.

I looked at the time, 9:36pm.

"Where's Niall, Liam, Harry and Louis?" I asked.

"Louis, Niall and Harry are actually out there waiting for a rented car, since they want to help look with us.." Justin sighed.

"Aren't they worried about Zayn?" I asked.

"Yeah, but there's no leads to where Zayn has gone, so what's the harm in them looking in LA?" Justin shrugged. We walked out of LAX.

I could already hear loud yelling from someone British.

Louis, Harry and Niall walked towards us, and Louis had a creepy grin screwed on his face.

"What's up with the smile?" Justin asked, raising a brow.

"Well, I did some Detective work, and asked one of the workers here if they seen Shaggy, and he remembers an incident that happened a week ago." Louis smiled.

"Who the fucks Shaggy?" I furrowed my brows.


"Chaz." Justin corrected Louis.

"Well, what did he say?" I asked, determined to know.

"He said that Chaz was having an argument with some middle aged guy, and they both got into a silver Lamborghini." Niall said.

"Are you sure its Chaz?" I needed to make sure.

"We showed him a photo of him, and the guy said it was definitely him." Harry nodded.

"Is that Selena?" Niall pointed.

I looked to see none other than Selena Gomez, wearing a pink dress, knee-high, pink flip-flops, and a white jacket over her shoulders.

Plus, she was heading this way.

"Uh-Oh..." Justin mumbled.

"Crazy encounter with the ex, look out." Louis jokingly warned.

Selena plastered on her -cough- fake smile.

"Hey Justin, crazy seeing you here..." Selena said, biting her lip and glancing around at us boys.

"Yeah, you too." Justin sighed.

Selena swallowed, "Well, I uh, gotta go... er. bye." Without fully understanding the scene that unveiled before me, I felt my eyes widen, and knew everyone was shocked too.

Selena pulled Justin into a deep ass kiss...

"Damn..." Louis and I said at the same time.

Selena pulled away, smiling at us all before power walking into LAX.

I looked at Justin, and the poor guy had been drained of colour.

"What the fuck was that over?" Niall asked, jealousy probably getting the best of the Irish lad.

"I think his mouth just got lip raped... if thats possible." I said.

"I'm going to go throw up now..." Justin walked towards a bin.

"She's such a slut..." I heard Niall mumble under his breath as he followed Justin. I glanced at Harry and Louis, who looked mind boggled at what had just happened.

Why the hell would Selena kiss Justin?

Out in the open, may I add?

Thats just thirsty for attention.

Author's Note; I have to apologize for such a late update!

Being my naturally blonde self, I somehow deleted the whole Wattpad app from my phone, so I finally got some cash for credit, re-downloaded the app and here we are now... so sorry, I just rushed this chapter a bit, but I feel so bad it took this long, hope you guys forgive me?

anyways, tell me what you guys think about this chapter?

especially the lip-lock at the end? :)

Dare To Dream [sequel to GASCYKI]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt