Chapter 5

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1 Week Later

Zayn's POV

Curiousity struck me.

The whole time I'd been trapped in this room, the only person to talk to me was Savannah.

She annoyed me, but I got used to her.

Frank on the other hand, was usually busy.

But I knew he was still in the house, because every few nights, there was someone screaming, and Savannah told me her cousin had someone else here, and he was off limits.

Frank wouldn't allow Savannah near the other person he'd kidnapped.

But I was stuck wondering why I was here.

What did Frank want with me?

The only time I really saw him was when I was given bathroom breaks, and he had a bat to scare me with.

It did scare me a bit because the bat had dried blood stains splattered on the sides.

I didn't try to escape. instead I was just praying at one point he'd just let me go.

Savannah assured me he wasn't interested in harming me, he had other things to deal with.

I had no idea what he was doing to the other person here, but it wasn't good.

I'm assuming the other person he had was a male, judging by the screaming. It wasn't exactly a feminine scream.

I felt bad for whoever it was, but I was tied to a bed post most of the time.

I couldn't help him.

"Good morning Zayn." Savannah walked in the room, plopping herself beside me. She had a plate full of toast.

"Morning..." I frowned.

"So, how's life?" Savannah asked, taking a bite from the toast.

I rolled my eyes, "Perfect... Now have you heard anything about the other dude?"

"Um," Savannah furrowed her brows, "Not really. Frank said he just used the guy to make a point. Once he's done with the guy, he's just gonna kill him."

"You're not at all worried?" I asked.

"Of course I am. But what can I do? He's my crazy cousin." Savannah stated, shoving a piece of toast in my mouth.

I glared at her, chewing the toast and swallowing it.

"You can do something. If you can't get me out of here, at least try and get the other guy out. He's obviously in pain. You can't let him die." I stated.

Savanna sighed.

"You're not a bad person, Savannah." I tried my best.

"I'll see what I can do... I'll even try and bust your ass out of here... on one condition." Savannah pointed.

"Anything." I nodded.

"You let me meet Perrie, and you say I had nothing to do with the kidnapping." Savannah raised her brows.

"Your cousin is stupid for letting you deal with a victim." I chuckled.

"Eh, he's a nut." Savannah smiled.

Ryan's POV

I sighed, re-reading Chaz's letter.

'Gone to help Justin out. Told me it was an emergency and made me take the next flight to LA. I'll message you when I land, bro.

PS: Don't you dare use another person as your fuck-buddy.

I taxed that position! ;)

Lots of Hate, Chaz'

He hadn't text me at all, and I was worried about him.

I felt like something bad had happened, but I didn't want to seem obsessed if I called Justin.

Chaz hadn't replied to my calls, or texts.

I was worried that maybe he was pissed with me, or I dunno...

I was just worried about him.

He's my best friend.

My amigo.

My Robin, to my Batman.

My Elf to my Santa.

I don't know what is making me so worried.

Damn, I missed the idiot.

I have to call Justin and ask why Chaz won't talk to me.

Why won't Chaz talk to me!?

Justin's POV

I was half asleep, sitting in a room with Louis, Harry, Liam and Niall.

We were waiting.

No sign of Zayn whatsoever.

The police told us the best thing we could do was stay in a hotel and wait.

"Anyone want a coffee or tea?" Liam stood up.

I can tell he wanted to be busy.

We all murmered a yes and he went into the hotel rooms small kitchen area.

Niall had his head in my lap, just staring at the TV.

I could tell he didn't know whether to cry or not.

They all loved Zayn, and God forbid, if any of my best friends went missing, I'd be in there state.

Maybe even worse. But its not a competition.

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz

I pulled my phone from my pocket, furrowing my brows to see that Ryan was calling.

I quickly answered, "Hello?"

"Hey..." Ryan breathed.

"What's up, Ry?" I asked.

"I need to ask you a question... about Chaz..." Ryan said.

I raised a brow, "Um, okay?"

"Do you know why he isn't talking to me?" Ryan asked.

"He's not talking to you? I thought you guys are non-stop chatting with each other...?" I swallowed.

Why would Ryan call me and ask that? I haven't talked to either of them for a few weeks.

"We do, but ever since he's been with you he hasn't talked to me." Ryan said.

"What do you mean 'been with you'? I haven't seen you guys for weeks...."

"What are you saying? He left to meet you in LA because of your emergency thing." Ryan stated.

"What emergency? In LA? Dude... I'm not in LA.. I've been with the boys for a week now." I replied.

"W-What?" Ryan stuttered.

"Is everything okay? Where's Chaz, Ryan?" I asked, feeling myself start to shake with worry.

"Justin..." Ryan whispered, "I don't know."

I dropped my phone, getting up and almost knocking Niall over.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked.

"Chaz has gone missing too." I said, grabbing my jacket and picking up my phone again.

Ryan had hung up, or maybe I had.

I dialed Chaz's number, pressing the call button.

"Hey, you've called the awesome Chaz-ster. Can't answer the phone because I'm either being too awesome. or my baby has died... I mean baby as phone so you know. I'm no daddy. Bahaha, okay. Leave a message and if I like ya enough, I'll get back to ya. Bye!"

Author's Note; Dun, Dunn, DUUNN!  What are your thoughts on this chapter? Let me know in the comments xxx love u guys <3

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