Chapter 4

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Louis' POV

I was curled up on the tour bus' bed, sitting up right as I cuddled my legs.

Tears fell from my eyes as I cried silently.

I wasnt one to like crying in front of people.

I didn't want them to ask if I was okay.

I was crying for two reasons.

1. Zayn is missing, and I'm scared that he's in serious danger. I can't lose a friend like Zayn, it'll tear me apart.

2. Harry wasn't talking to me. I hadn't felt his warm confort for a a week and a half. I needed my Hazza right now.

I wiped a few tears, holding in a shaky breath. I wanted Harry to hold me, tell me everything would be fine, and Zayn would come back healthy.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, furiously rubbing the tears and snot from my face.

"Louis?" Liam's voice spoke from the other side of the curtain, covering me inside the small bed area.

"Yeah?" I croaked.

"Uh, Harry and Niall have gone to meet Justin at the airport, I'm just about to go talk to the media... do... uh, what are you going to do?" Liam mumbled.

I held in a cry, biting my lip hard, "I-I'm going to have a quick sleep, okay?" I almost whispered.

"Call me if you need me, Lou." Liam said.

"Kay." I whispered, feeling another set of tears fall down my cheek.

What was wrong with me?

Why can't I be strong, for Zayn?

Justin's POV

I engulfed Niall into a tight hug, burying my face into the crook of his neck. He snuggled closer to me.

"I missed you." Niall whispered.

I rubbed his back comfortingly, "I missed you too, baby."

"We should get going..." Harry spoke from behind Niall.

He looked depressed, but I didn't ask, knowing it wasn't my place.

I followed behind Harry and Niall as we left the airport.

Paparazzi had swarmed the area, after someone spotted us. The flashing cameras were not helping Harry and Niall's situation.

I took the lead, directing the two towards a black SUV.

We got in, and buckled up.

Harry mumbled something to the driver, and we began our journey to the arena the boys' tour bus was at.

"Are you two alright?" I asked.

Harry glanced at me, smiling sadly, "I'm okay..."

"I'll be fine." Niall added, resting his head on my shoulder. 

I sighed, knowing these boys were far from fine.


Selena's POV (Surprise!)

I looked around, making sure no one saw me, before reaching over a desk, grabbing a piece of paper from a desk.

I scanned the words, swalling thickly.

'Paris, 5:30pm. Eiffel Tower. -F'

I sighe'd, screwing up the paper and throwing it in the bin.

My life has been pure misery the past few weeks, over some idiots threats.

And now, if I dont get Justin to fall for me again, my life was on the line.

Dare To Dream [sequel to GASCYKI]Where stories live. Discover now