Chapter 4

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Grace and Kevin decided to spend a week with her parents and they had so much fun with them. Kevin could swear he gained at least 20lbs because of mum Edie's cooking.

He and Howard were the best of friends by the end of the first night seeing that both men had gotten into a little trouble after getting drunk in the middle of the night, which landed them both into the dog house.

Mum Edie was a spitfire not mincing words at all, she asked him every question imaginable, about himself. From how he planned to support Grace after football to how he was going to protect her from the press, she was also bold enough to ask how many grandchildren she was to expect in the first 5 years of their marriage.

Kevin and Grace had many late night talks about their lives in the coming weeks with him off to practice and Grace teaching they decided to just wait and see how things played out.

He thought about how much he had come to respect and dare he say love his wife in the little amount of time they were together. Grace was so selfless, when he had called Sara to tell her about the baby Grace had been there. Sara flipped calling him every kind of bastard, only calming down when Kevin told her that he and Grace were still together which seemed to make Sara speechless.

Grace asked him to call Rina and make sure things were okay with the baby, she was standing beside him while he dialed Rina's number with shaking hands, she was his strength while Rina complained about morning sickness, telling him how Jeremy wanted a divorce and that she hoped he would be back in New York soon so they could talk face to face..

"I'll be back in New York, after Grace is settled I'll be bringing her with me for a few days before she has to get to work."

"What the FUCK Kevin so that shit about you and that black chick was real? Does she know about us?"

"Yes she knows about you and the baby, no Rina it wasn't a publicity stunt."

"Whatever, call me when you get to New York."

After the phone call with Rina they drove to Grace's apartment which was in a quiet part of Atlanta, and she gave him a grand tour of her cozy 1 bedroom apartment.

He had to admit he loved the way she decorated the place, though it was small it looked very inviting. From the over stuffed lazy boy next to a beautifully crafted red brick fire place to the way she painted the walls white but used bright colors to add character to the space.

She took his hand and showed him to her bedroom which was an oasis every woman's dream. He couldn't remember ever seeing so many pillows on a bed in his life, the bed was an old fashioned four poster canopy bed and it looked like the perfect place to reacquaint himself with Grace's body.

Smiling at her Kevin moves towards the bed with Grace in tow, wrapping his arms around her, he lifts her onto the bed causing her to make a squeaky giggling noise, one that he remembered from their first night together.

Kissing her softly Kevin slowly pulls her dress off her shoulders, kissing her neck teasingly. Sliding the dress down to her waist and unclasping her bra, he rubs her Hershey kiss nipples causing her to moan.

Gently laying her on the bed he removes his clothes before removing the dress she is wearing, leaving her in a pair of sexy Victoria secret panties, Kissing her lips and slowly nipping his way down her body Kevin kisses her belly button his mind flashing to a scene of Grace's stomach swollen with his child growing inside her, shaking his head slightly he commences his exploration of her body.

Looking up at her Kevin grins, a dazed and well kissed Grace looks on as he pulls her underwear down with his teeth, before spreading her legs wide and leaving a trail of liquid fire where ever his tongue went, causing her to scream and make all the sounds he missed from that night in Vegas.

For Love and FootballOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora