A perfect first date

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-Your POV-

I woke up in Chris' big bed alone. I sat up glancing at the clock. 10 am. I could hear the commotion of the guys as they got up and made their way downstairs. They were so loud on a morning, I honestly don't know where they got their energy from. I laid back down snuggling back into the pillows and quilt and waited for Chris to return, closing my eyes. I'd fallen back asleep when he returned. I heard Chris place a tray on the table and sit next to me on the bed. He gently kissed me and my eyes fluttered open. "Good morning gorgeous girl." He whispered smiling down at me. I blushed rubbing my eyes. I sat up and Chris pulled the pillows up behind me allowing me to sit back. "I made you breakfast in bed. After you've eaten I thought we could get dressed and go to the park." I smiled nodding. "Yeh I'd like that."

Chris handed me a plate with pancakes and bacon covered in syrup on. We sat mainly in silence as we ate. He took my plate from me when we had finished. He smiled at me laughing. "What?" I laughed.
"You know for someone with a big mouth you're good at missing it!" He joked grabbing my face licking syrup off my lips. I squirmed protesting him licking my face. He laughed more then kissed me softly. "Come on shower then get ready. Do you have clean clothes here or do you want me to run to yours?" I sat thinking about the question. I hadn't been home much since meeting Chris. I'd definitely need clean clothes and underwear. "My keys are downstairs. Do you mind?"
"Not at all kitten. Now go get showered." Chris kissed me and left. I couldn't help watching him leave, admiring his physique and how his body moved when he walked.

I jumped out of bed and ran into Chris' en suite. I was so thankful for this en suite, I honestly don't think I could cope sharing a bathroom with 6 guys. Chris and Ricky are the only guys with their own en suites. Vinny and Ryan share a bathroom and so does Devin and Balz. I frequently hear the arguments followed by Chris shouting that they can't use his. His reason being he doesn't like the guys being in his room while I could be in there asleep or in the bathroom. Which is fair enough. I set my phone up with Motionless in Whites songs playing and climbed into the shower. I danced and sung as I washed my hair and body. I took the time I had in peace to relax. Feeling the hot water rush over me. Most of the bruises on my skin had started to heal going a pale greeny yellow. I looked at my inner thigh. It was still red from where Chris has spanked me there last night. I knew that would be gone in a day or so. After about 4 MIW songs I got out of the shower grabbing a towel for my hair. It was warm enough in the house for me to stand naked as I towel dried my hair still dancing and singing away as I did. I decided to let my hair air dry and go curly as I couldn't be bothered spending a good hour drying and straightening it. I dried myself off throwing the towel in the wash basket on my way out.

To my surprise Chris was sat on the bed and had laid out an outfit and underwear for me. He smiled at me as I turned the music off on my phone. "It makes me so happy hearing you sing along to my songs Scarlet." I blushed suddenly feeling self conscious of my singing. I walked to the bed putting on the purple silk underwear he had chosen for me then put on the black leggings and vest top. I noticed he'd also brought my black thigh high boots round. They were actually over the knee boots but because I'm so small they were thigh highs for me. I held them up to him and he nodded. "Chris it's like 25 degrees outside. I'll melt."
"It's not that warm actually, we have the heating on. It's about 18 degrees." He replied cooly. "Chris why is the heating on if it's so warm outside?" He shrugged. "Ask the guys. One of them has stuck it on." I just laughed shrugging it off.

We arrived at the park by early noon. I listened as Chris told me about his band and how excited he was to tour. We followed the footpath round the large park passing multiple stalls selling all different things. From food to novelty items. Chris stopped me. "Go to the fountain gorgeous." He said motioning to the fountain just in front of us. Confused I followed his instruction and headed to the huge fountain. It was so beautiful. I sat on the edge feeling the cool air hit my shoulders and the occasional splashes of water. Chris came back into view hiding something behind his back. He stopped at my feet getting down on one knee. What was he doing? My heart rate went through the roof and panic set in thinking he was about to propose. I wasn't the only one, I could feel a lot of eyes on us in this moment. "Seeing as this is our first actual date I'm going to treat you how you deserve to be treated. I want you to remember this day." He spoke as one hand stroked my face the other still hiding something behind his back. He was smiling at me and I smiled back at how sweet his words were. "This is for you. A scarlet rose could never compare to your beauty but I want you to have it as someone as beautiful as you deserves only the most beautiful flowers. My beautiful Scarlet." I could feel my cheeks burning as people round us awed and some clapped. Tears stung my eyes threatening to spill over. One did and Chris wiped it away with his thumb. "No tears princess." He said softly then kissed me. By now everyone had lost interest and went about their own business. Chris stood up and helped me up handing me my rose. I smiled keeping hold of his hand as he walked me to a small restaurant on the outskirts of the park.

Here we ate a beautiful Italian meal and I was blown away by how much of a gentleman Chris was being. He was a completely different person when we were alone. Not that it was a bad thing I liked both sides of him equally. We shared a chocolate ice cream Sunday and laughed the day away. This was a first date I certainly wouldn't forget in a hurry. The restaurant wasn't overly fancy but fancy enough I kinda felt out of place but that didn't matter when I was with Chris. We were in our own world where only we existed and it was perfect. Once he'd paid the bill he took us back home to his place which was starting to feel like my home too. Before we went inside Chris stopped me once more turning me to face him. "Scarlet, I know this may seem obvious but I've never actually asked so, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked shyly. I'd never seen Chris shy he was always so confident. A huge smile spread across my face and I leapt up into his arms kissing him. He laughed breaking the kiss. "I'll take that as a yes then?" I nodded pressing my lips to his once more. Today had been perfect.

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