I wont make you beg, so just get down on your knees.

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-Your POV-

I liked Chris' band mates a lot. They were all so welcoming to me through the day. I acted like I didn't see them torturing Chris about me I could see he was getting quite irritated by it bless him. He was driving me mad, his little touches, holding my hand when no one was looking, talking only to me even when the band were round. He was like a drug to me and I was addicted. We were in our last lecture for the day all sat together like we had been all day. The guys were talking about band practice and I had zoned out as Chris traced small patterns on my thigh. Clearly he had zoned out too as we were both brought back to Earth by Ricky slamming a book on the table. "Chris! Band practice tonight yes?" Ricky laughed at our reaction as we both jumped out of our skin. "Yeh tonight is fine. Is the space booked?" Ricky nodded excitedly then looked at me. "Will you be coming Scarlet?" I opened my mouth to respond then looked at Chris, he nodded his approval. "Yeh sure! You guys were awesome live it would be really nice to see you practice." Ricky smiled at me and started scribbling in his note pad. Chris looked back at me, his eyes soft, his hand going back to tracing shapes onto my thigh. I looked back at him and smiled. He moved closer to me and spoke. "You know, you've been a very good girl today, so your treat is not just coming to practice but you can come back to mine and we can order pizza and watch a film. Is that okay honey?" I smiled up at him "that would be really nice. Thank you." Chris pinched my thigh his eyes turning dark. "Thank you sir." I corrected myself. He mouthed good girl and turned his attention back to his work as did I.

-Chris' POV and Time Shift-

I gave Scarlet a chair to sit in while we practiced crouching down in front of her after she sat down. "Let me know if it's too loud or you need anything okay? And behave yourself. The guys won't care if I have to punish you in front of them." She nodded her head at me, her gorgeous blue eyes locked with mine. I stroked some hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. I walked back over to my mic and started to discuss what we were going to play. We started with puppets, followed by Abigail and Creatures. We stopped In between each song to discuss any changes. Every time I looked over at Scarlet she was smiling back at me. After the first hour I checked she was okay and explained we'd be here for another hour or so. She seemed fine with that expressing her enjoyment. During Immaculate Misconception I looked over at her while singing to see her singing along with me. My heart raced watching her. It wasn't that I wasn't used to people singing along to my songs because that happens at our gigs but seeing her do it, there was something immensely flattering, So attractive about it. Everything she did attracted me to her more.

Ryan pulled me from my trace once we'd finished the song. "Are we going to practice .com pt 2? We need to get it right."  Everyone agreed and I nodded my approval. Scarlet hadn't heard this song yet as we hadn't played it live. There was a spark of excitement in her eyes. I kept my eyes locked with her as we played. I have no idea what came over me but during the breakdown I started walking towards her singing. "I won't make you beg, so just get down on your knees. Tell me you need me and that you're dying to please. If hell is for real then we have not much time left. We need to drain this disease from all the veins in your neck." I stopped in front of her placing my free hand on her face and continued to sing. Bringing my face to hers, I could feel her heart was racing as I continued to sing to her. The song finished and we spent a few seconds staring at each other before I pressed my lips to hers. This kiss was different from others we had shared. It wasn't lust driving the kiss. It was need. The need for her, for her touch, her attention. I heard the mass groan from the guys behind me and broke the kiss turning to face them. I laughed as Ricky stuck his fingers in his mouth making a 'blegh' noise. "That's the best we've played that. I'd say it's ready to be live!" I enthused with the group. "So are we done for the night? Can we order pizza and go home now?" Everyone's moans filled the room giving Vinny his answer. The guys packed their things having their own conversations and we left.

Ricky ran up to Scarlet wrapping an arm round her shoulders. "So did you have fun?" She laughed. "Yeh I did. You guys are so good!" He squeezed her shoulder thanking her before continuing. "Are you coming back to ours? We've ordered pizza" I felt a sudden spike of jealousy. Before I knew what had come over me I had grabbed Ricky's suspenders and pulled him backwards towards me. Smacking him on his back as I passed him to walk with Scarlet. I wrapped my arm round her waist grabbing her tightly looking down at her. "You were being such a good girl. I've told you, you belong to me. I own you. No one else is allowed to touch you. I expect you to obey that." I hissed in a hushed tone so the other guys couldn't hear me. Scarlet went to argue back and I tightened my grip on her waist as a warning. She dropped her head defeated. Why was I getting so jealous? It's not like I wanted anything more than sex from her. But I couldn't deny the attraction. The need I had for her. But I couldn't let her get too close. What was I doing to her?

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