Chapter 2 - It's nice to meet you..

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It had been a couple of weeks since the move, I had heard drilling and hammering as in someone putting up shelves or pictures. The strange thing was, it was always at night and never during the day like most logical people would decide to do.

Apart from that I had no bother... except. I really wanted to meet him, how would you feel if you moved into a little place and you not no such thing as a hello? anyways, I grabbed my shoes and went to his door. I knocked quite loud because someone up so late would bound to be sleeping through the day.

as I wanted, it never took me long to realize that he was looking at me from his windowI said hey but he just walked off. as I began to turn and walk back, the door opened but stopped as the chain was on. from his window.

"um, please don't leave." he said, edging out the door slightly. "it's nice to have someone over... it's been a while." he slid the chain off the door and invited me inside.

" I just popped round to welcome you to this place... its nice to get a friendly hello once in a while" i smiled and walked in, the wallpaper was really floral and the floors where wooden. "My name is Milly, and... what is yours?"

He looked over at me "its nice to meet you Milly. my name is... well I think you know the name right? I can see it in your eyes."

For some strange reason I felt a blush appear on my cheeks, I did my best to not look in his direction but it was no use, I blamed it on my allergies to dust.

"so. what brings you here? I'm sure you could have moved anywhere." I smiled and looked at him, he did have quite a sad, lost look on his face. its something I had noticed when I saw him at the window. _

"well.. why not here? this place is quite a beauty." he smiled back and looked around the room.

" so um... do you live with anyone? like a wife or a girlfrie.." he stood right in front of me and told me to get out. I couldn't understand why but he seemed to be bothered by my question. I stood up and quickly ran out his house, he slammed the door shut behind me and had put the chain back on the door. maybe he does have a dark past that no one knows about? we shall never know... or will we?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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