Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Come in, Graham. What's your confirmation? Over."

There was brief radio static before it was interrupted with a crackled, "Just arrived to the base. There doesn't seem to be activity on this end, either. Standby, Dawson Leader. Over."

Nathan sighed, relaxing the arm with the walkie in it on his lap. His attention was on the device that fell silent, patiently waiting for some sort of reply that the third military base Graham and his team were searching, was the one they were looking for.

It was admirable how quickly focused the USWAT leader became when he had returned from his visit to Nathan's home. Graham had been anxious in leaving the facility to make the trip out of the city to see his daughter, and when he returned, Nathan could see the glazed look on his face.

The Sergeant had pulled the young man aside and question if he was alright.

Graham nodded, slowly grinning as best he could. He just swallowed, shrugging that he had to tell Darla how much she meant to him should something on this mission happen. He added that he could jump over the moon from Darla's kind words that she would pray for his return.

Nathan didn't know what to make of that, and he frowned for a moment before it was the USWAT leader who spoke up again.

"I know about the feelings she still has for Ivers, Sergeant Henry."

The father stared at him, watching the way Graham ran his fingers through his hair and barely smiled when he admitted that it was too good to be true to have Darla's heart completely, and so quickly.

"Darla told me during my visit a few minutes ago that she does care for me, and that maybe given some time, while we're togther, she can let go of Ivers."

Nathan saw the grimace on Graham's face, his nose wrinkling as he shook his head.

"Sigh... I just want Darla to be happy, sir. And... As much as I feel for your daughter... thinking that she was it for me... Well, I--- Well, I'm not 'it' for her. I'd been denying it the whole time, Sergeant, not wanting to see the way she looked at him. But... sigh, but I knew she was long gone because that was the way I looked at her."

Seeing the obvious disappointment on the USWAT leader's face, Nathan gave it a moment before questioning if this meant that Graham and Darla would be continuing their relationship. Pursing his mouth to the side, Graham shook his head that he didn't know. That he wanted to see where it went, that if it was possible that Darla could learn to feel the same way he did.

"But I think the hardest part about loving someone is knowing when you have to let go. So they could be happy... Even if it makes you miserable."

Nathan's heart went out to the USWAT leader. Another broken heart for such a young person. He just wished that, at the end of all this, everyone finds some sort of happiness. Graham... Darla... Max... all of them.

He wasn't sure if Max would return his daughter's affections after what happened the last time, but he hoped that kid would give the father a chance to explain that it was Darla's decision to love who she wants. That Nathan would be willing to step aside and let them be together.

And the father also wondered, considering that Max thought he'd never see Darla again, if the kid moved on. The thought of Max and his team member, Amy, or any other woman for that matter, in a more intimate manner would definitely hurt Darla. Even if she was in a sudden relationship now with Graham... it would still hurt for her to know that Max really did forget about her.

Hopefully Nathan wasn't too late.

Graham sighed, breaking the Sergeant from his thoughts, and shrugged, "I think I'm going to make a call real quick."

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