Intro <Restart>

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I look over the form one more time before turning it in.

First and Last Name: Carson King
Desired Name: Neo
Gender: Male
Desired Gender: Male
Describe the way you look now, eye, hair, and skin color: Blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny, and Caucasian.
Describe the way you would like to look in your restart: Black hair, green eyes, fit, and Caucasian.
underline your Desired Class:
Rogue, a Medium armored, agile fighter with high attack speed and manipulation magic.
Knight, a heavy armored fighter, slower but stronger attacks, uses little to no magic.
Sorcerer/Witch, a light armored fighter, who uses spells and incantations to fight. Uses all magics.
Martial artist, a light armored fighter who uses strong close combat to fight, uses boosters or self amplifying magic.
*Each class has sub classes that you will be able to change in game but you will not be able to change main class at any time.*
Please Sign Here, by signing these document you realize that once in <Restart> you will not be able to leave, until death, please sign here: Carson King

"Finally a new life... My restart." I say as I get up and walk towards the man at the front of the room. He gives me a smile and takes my paper.
"We will call you in a minute, please take a seat till we do." He says and types a few things in the computer. I walk back to my seat and sit down.

<Restart> a new simulation said to fix the worlds problem of overpopulation. For a guy like me this is the best thing I could have ever asked for! In simple terms the government is sending people into a game to live. People like me from the slums with no future. I can make a name for myself and be a hero too! The world I'm going to be apart of now is fantasy world. I got lucky and got into the second batch of players. Right now there are only 20,000 people but they are striving to make multiple servers so that they can have up to 10,000,000 people playing across all servers.
"Carson, we are ready for you." I hear a woman as she motions for me to come. I get up and follow her into the back of the large building. Inside are thousands of cylinders with humans inside all living out an adventure. We head to a cylinder and she opens it.
"This will be your pod, I will need you to take off your clothes so that I can strap you in." She says In a calm voice. I follow her instructions and strip. I walk into the pod and she puts tubes in my nose and electrodes on my Chest and legs. She types a few things on the computer and the pod closes. It starts to fill with a warm liquid. It soon covers my mouth, but I can still breath. The warm sensation slowly takes over and the world begins to fade to black. In the black abyss red words appear in front of me.
"This is your last chance do you want to continue!" Hovering below it are the word yes and no. I press yes with my finger. When I do the sound of static takes over and the darkness around me turns to pixels. I slowly feel my consciousness slip away to the static and it turns black and the sound fades away...

&lt;Restart&gt;Where stories live. Discover now