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Hi my name is Madison Becket, I have brown-blonde hair with an orange streak in my hair. I am 5'8, have tan skin and orange eyes, but I cover them with grey contacts. I also have the power to control fire; I've learned how to control my power, but it can come out sometimes, because I have anger issues, my body temperature will raise and my eyes will glow, I've never told anyone but my parents. They've agreed to let me go to school tomorrow, but I have to be careful not to show too much . The best part about my power is that I can turn into a white wolf, that part I have not told my parents about. I can go sneak out and be with my pack friends who are both white wolves too.

Being a teen isn't easy.
Being a girl isn't easy.
Being a wolf...isn't easy.
Breathing sometimes isn't easy.
Being myself well, what's easy about that? Nothing.
I'm the youngest sophomore in County High, have an impossible crush, I'm a foster kid and controlling earth isn't helping either.
Oh, and I'm Lexi Hart.

Alicia Grey, that's my name. My boyfriend is Ethan Lease, the funniest guy in school, and so sweet to me. I'm turning 16 this year and I have long dark hair with eyes that look like ice.
Controlling water may be cool, but I hate keeping it a secret, I can't be myself...did I mention I can shift into a wolf?
Yeah, imagine explaining that to the world.

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