Sturgis, South Dakota

Start from the beginning

Lucy came downstairs holding the twins and her eyes went wide.

"You guys definitely look the part." She says laughing.

Elliot's wearing baggy jeans and a plain t-shirt with his cut over it and he hasn't shaved in a week, you can see the huge tattoo on his bicep. My hair is curled into huge ringlets, bringing out the intense highlights. My lips are a blood red and my eye makeup is dark. I'm wearing jeans that are ripped from my ankles to the tops of my thighs and high heeled black ankle boots. My tank top is cut so you can see my entire bra and stomach, and the lower back tattoo I got when I was 17, and I have chunky bracelets going up my arms. And I have a fake nose ring.

Elliot takes Nick and I take Bethany, kissing them goodbye.

Maureen and Kathleen come down the stairs in their pajamas. They look up at us and both of them look horrified.

"What the hell?" Maureen says loudly. 

I can't help but laugh at her reaction.

"How do we look?" Elliot asks.

"Definitely special." Maureen says, stifling a laugh.

"Aren't you guys a little old to be dressed like that?" Kathleen asks skeptically.

"We're not that old." I say chuckling. "32 is not that old."

"Kathleen averts her eyes, staring out the ground.

Lizzie and Dickie come running down the stairs together but stop dead in their tracks when they see us.

"That is not a good look Mom." Dickie says seriously.

"I think she looks pretty." Lizzie says, jumping into my arms. "But Daddy looks yucky."

Elliot laughs and we kiss all the kids goodbye, handing the twins back to Lucy.

"Please call me if you have any questions or anything, and if you need help call Elliot's sister Jess or her husband Nick, their numbers are on the fridge along with Amanda, Casey, Alex, and Melinda's, don't hesitate to call." I say to Lucy.

"I'm sure you'll be fine Lucy." Elliot says reassuringly, "Don't mind her, she's just nervous."

We leave and get a cab to the airport.

We get lots of dirty looks as we board the plane.

"How you feeling?" Elliot asks.

"Fine why?" I ask, curiously.

"You haven't said anything about morning sickness yet, and it was pretty bad last time." He says shrugging.

"I'm fine El." I say seriously. "Other than the fact that the entire world can see my lower back tattoo."

"I never asked you why you got that." He says smirking.

"I was 17, hated my mom, and had friend with a tattoo gun." I say shrugging, "Not the best decision I ever made."

"Do you even know what it means?" He asks.

"No." I say, "It's just a bunch of tribal symbols. I have no idea what they mean."

"You'll fit right in." He says chuckling, "Apparently in Sturgis, you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't have at least few weird tattoos."

I shake my head at him as he laughs.

We start to take off and I reach for Elliot's hand.

"You nervous?" He asks.

"About being undercover at a motorcycle rally, a little." I say, "But about flying, no."

"What's with the hand holding?" He asks.

"You're my husband, I didn't know I needed a reason to hold your hand." I say with a smirk.

"I can't believe you married me." He says, kissing my temple.

"You can't believe I married you?" I ask.

"No, I can't believe you married me." He says, "You're damn near perfect. You're the bravest, strongest person I've ever met. You're smart, and you're beautiful. You are completely out of my league, and for whatever reason, you picked me to spend your life with, and at this point I can't think of a better way to spend my life, than with you by my side."

"I picked you because you're my best friend, because your kind, and good." I say softly, "Because you're stubborn and over protective, and because know you me better than I know myself. Because you take care of me, because I have this insane love for you. A love that doesn't make sense, that consumes me completely. Elliot I've been in love with you for 11 years. That's why I married you. That's why I married you after a month and never questioned my decision. And that's why I can say without hesitation that we will spend the rest of our lives together."

He takes my face I'm his hands and kisses me.

"God I am so in love with you." He mumbles against my lips.

He pulls back after getting several dirty looks, and even a couple people clearing their throats.

I stifle a laugh when I look at him and he raises an eyebrow.

I hand him the compact that I put in my carry on.

He drops his head back on the seat laughing.

"Do you have makeup wipes or something?" He asks. "I look like Lizzie the last time she got into your makeup."

"Yes..." I say laughing and digging into the bag.

Before I hand him the package, I take a picture with my phone.

I send the picture to Maureen and smile, looking over at Elliot who's trying desperately to wipe the red lipstick from his face and jaw, even his beard.

He raises an eyebrow and I show him the picture.

"Oh my god." He says.

I reapply the lipstick and lean back in the seat.

I yawn and Elliot runs his hand through my hair.

"You tired?" He asks.

"A little." I say softly.

"Come here." Elliot says.

He leans the seat back and I climb into his lap, resting my head on his shoulder with my face nestled in the crook of his neck. I rest my hand in his chest, and he takes it in his.

I hear the shuttering of a camera and I look up.

"You looked beautiful." He says softy.

I close my eyes again, happy to be quietly resting with my husband and excited for the adventure ahead of us.

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