Chapter 7

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Giselle's pov
Seeing Jasper and hearing his sounds so full of pain made me run to him faster than ever before. All of the sudden I felt the ground beneath me collapse and someone grip my wrist. I looked up to see Bellamy pulling me up causing him to fall from my weight and me to fall on top of him our faces inches apart.
"You okay?" He asked. We where so close I could feel his breath on my face.
"Yeah" I said getting up and helping him up. Looking down at the hole I would have fell in I saw a bunch of spears that would have killed me if not for Bellamy.
"Thanks" I said to him. He gave me a small nod in return. I climbed up the tree with Finn and Murphy to help cut down Jasper, completely ignoring everything else around me. Finally we got Jasper down from the tree and started walking back to camp with him and that dead thing Wells shot.
"Is Jasper going to be okay Clarke?" I asked walking beside her.
"I hope so" she said with a distant look in her eyes.
"I really, really hope so" I heard her mumble, before she started walking faster. I just let her walk ahead. I don't need to chase her.

Wouldn't have it any other way (A Bellamy Blake Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ