Chapter Five

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We agreed as a group we should set up camp for now, it was getting dark soon and would be difficult to navigate if we continued. I stayed behind with Ze while the others went out to look for some timber and Aphex went scavenging for possible food.

"So I guess we should clear up the ground for camp?" I suggested to the smaller man, he shrugged and agreed with my question. He didn't talk much besides that ball-sy move earlier with the gun incident.

"How did you know he was lying?" I asked while kicking some twigs to the side, into a pile considering we could possibly use them for a fire. It was going to be a rough night's sleep considering we don't have any cushion at all.

"I was minoring in psychology. Kind of learned a thing or two about human behavior." He grinned, bringing his hand to the back of his head and ruffling his curls. I chuckled softly at the cute gesture he made.

"What were you majoring in?" I continued prodding, placing stones in a circular pattern; marking where the fire would be set. I glanced up at him, he scurried over and helped me.

"Engineering sciences." He began moving my previously placed rocks into a tighter circle. "It would be better if you did it this way." His cheeks flushed red and he immediately resumed back to placing the stones the correct way.

"Two sciences. Why were you even in business anyways?" I was genuinely curious, usually they would go for another math class or something that would benefit their scientific interest.

"Just incase engineering didn't work for me." He giggled softly, "My dad said I could never be a good engineer. I believed him and doubted myself, ended up signing up for business." He stood back up and glanced at the pattern he made. He seemed proud of himself.

"It was silly really. Haven't talked to him since I left for college so I don't know why I let him affect me that much, y'know?" His eyes locked with mine and I nodded. He rolled up the sleeves that were way too long compared to the actual size of his arms.

"Yeah. I get it." I muttered, stretching out my limbs and cracking my back.

"No really, you don't." He whispered, looking down at his feet. "O-oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-"

"It's okay." I grinned, pulling out the knife that Tom left me just incase anything bad happened. I grabbed a twig and started running the knife down it. Wood shavings fell to the soil beneath me.

"Why did you choose business?" He asked, sitting criss-crossed beside me. His cheeks were a tinted red from the cold wind that was gently flying by. His hair was moving whichever way the wind pleased.

"My dad wanted me to. I was going to inherit his business and he wanted it to be handled properly." I stuck the knife into the dirt, placing my hands onto my knees. I tore off my suit-jacket and tossed it to the side. No use in it nowadays.

"So you do know how it feels, huh?" He muttered, putting his face into his hands. "I'm sorry for assum-"

"No. I don't know how it feels. My dad was good to me. He encouraged me, he didn't make me doubt myself. He just wanted me to be prepared." I put my arm around his shoulder, "Sorry about cutting you off and all, but you apologize way too much. You aren't Canadian, right? Or else you're just verifying another stereotype." I started laughing softly but he flushed an even deeper red.

"I am Canadian."

I started laughing louder, pulling him closer. I started to enjoy his company, even if he didn't talk much.

"W-why is that so funny?" He stuttered, pulling himself away. I stopped laughing, rubbing away at my teary eyes.

"Things are just so tense and I don't know man, it's good to laugh once in a while to remember that good feeling y'know?" I grinned slightly, looking off into the vast trees. They all looked uniform, nothing unique about any of them really.

I felt a vibration in my pocket. My eyes widened as I realised it was my phone and pulled it out.


I answered it with a giant smile on my face, she's okay. Her and Jack are okay. I instantly felt relieved.

"Babe!" I greeted happily, but I soon realised it wasn't a happy situation.

"Ant. Babe. I'm so sorry. I'm so scared. Things are tearing at our door. Jack won't stop crying. Shh. Jack, it's going to be okay. Mommy and daddy loves you." My heart began racing as I heard her voice break and Jack's cry. I heard the things pounding at the door, I heard the creaks.

"I don't know what to do. I love you. I fucking love you Anthony. Don't forget that. Jack and I lov-" After that I heard her scream. The door must have caved in. I couldn't pull the phone away from my ear and I couldn't reassure her things would be okay.

Because I knew they wouldn't be.

"Daddy!" I heard Jack shriek, my heart pounded with ache as they kept screaming at the things to leave. Suddenly Jack's crying stopped immediately as I heard Jess cry out to our son.

"What's going on? Dude? What's happening?" Ze kept asking me but I didn't have the strength to say a word. If I did I would say so much to Jess and my son.

"Baby! Please come home. Please. Be here. Ple-" The line cut off. I instantly felt like dying at that very moment, I threw my phone into the distance and grabbed the knife from the ground.

"Anthony, where are you going?" Ze yelled out to me, he grabbed my arm to stop me from moving and I shoved him off.

"Don't fucking follow me or I'll fucking kill you too." I muttered, gazing at him. He looked so small and fragile at that very moment.

So many thoughts were going through my head. The screams. Jess. Jack.

I couldn't save them. It was all my fault. I left them. I fucking left them to die. It was my fault. My fault. My fault.

I ran into the trees, looking for anything to kill. Looking for a Riser to kill.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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