Assasination I

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Kayano Kaede, the girl in green hair gave me a brand new official 3-E class' special made P.E uniform. The design is very nice, they even can camouflage, as this is their assassin's uniform. Everyone changes into the P.E uniform, it had been decided the boys will have to change in the classroom, while the girl in a changing room.. Since we've only one changing room.

||Female Changing Room||

"Here, here!! A plan for assassination today, Karasuma-sensei gave us a day off from our usual training today for (Y/N)-chan to get to know our skills!" Said Kaede-san. She then reveals a mahjong paper, just after we finished changing. The paper has lots of scribbles and doodles.. I knew, it's cute.

They planned and planned until a blonde, long haired girl told me," Hey, (Y/N)-san! You're in the team, too!" Then she gave me a grin.

I backed off, a step. "But I'm not as professional as you guys." I said, as I losing my confidence. They all looks at each other and laughs..

'What is this? A sense of cooperation? Something I never sensed in the main campus..' That's what I thought, deep down

"Who said we're professional? We're just starting it this year!" A cute, bubbly girl with blonde perm told me. She gave me a smile that motivated me, a lot.

"Yup, that's true.. You'll catch up later.. I promise." A graceful beauty with black long hair give me a pinky promise. She smiled to me.

'Guess.. I should give assassination a try.' I said with a grin. Before laughs together..


Omg it's so short!! I'm sorry I need to go to my dormitory, ASAP!

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