Ch11: First Hunt

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"When you say werewolfs, are they supernatural like us or just normal animals? I don't know how to word it properly." She laughed and everyone  laughed along.

"This is a serious question everyone and they are like us. They change into there form whenever they want, but on full moons that's when they are most dangerous. There's a school for werewolfs that are training and learning just like us. But that's the law between both schools and that is why there's a river in between. No crossings." Mother replied. We all nod our heads in agreement and let the words sink in when Mrs Hastings looked over at me and Dee. She smiled and walked away leaving the rest of the class and Fitz alone on the field.

"So the ending of that, that's why we got you to have a partner. To watch over each other. But let's get started. If you see a river don't cross it. Turn right around and keep away from the area. Got it?" Mr Fitz asked. We all agreed.

"Okay so, go hunt for you're prey. It can be anything you like & make sure to bring it back here before class ends I want to see what you can catch. So you and partners get ready and I'll tell you when to go. No travelling in packs, it's a big woods for everyone to roam so don't be scared. Be brave. Take mark,"

We all split up on the field when me and tobi looked at each other he turned to run I placed my hand on his shoulder I felt weird I could smell something an animal I told Tobi.

"Tobi follow me."

I ran following the trail of eaten leafs the animal left heading to the east I also saw some tracks.  More and more leafs were eaten when I stopped Tobi banging into me.

"Look it's a deer."

Tobi smiled and licked his lips
He crouched down and attacked the deer just like we practiced.

As he finished I turned and ran to the north I could smell a rabbit two of them Tobi was right behind me I spotted the rabbits crouched down and jumped and I missed them and rolled right passed them into somebody's legs.

"Mr Fitz I am sorry I .."

He stopped me from talking.

"Ms Hastings let me help you."

He helped me up and then placed his hands on my hips making me crouch and then guiding me and I jumped and landed.

"Let's find an animal I wanna help you with a real animal."

I smiled and said,

"1-1/2 miles west a deer lets go."

Mr Fitz looked at me funny and then he followed me and Tobi as we ran and sure enough 1-1/2 miles to the west there was deer grazing I got down into crouch my shirt riding up exposing some skin Mr Fitz placed his hand on my waist his fingers brushing the skin his breath against my neck as he whispered,

"Slowly move forward and then quickly as you can jump."

He guided me and i jumped and then let go once I landed on the deer wrapping my legs and arms around it and biting down on its neck attacking  and drinking all the blood.

When I finished I pulled away and wiped the blood from my face Mr Fitz looked at me and smiled,

"Very good Shay very good keep it up" and off he ran to help others me and Tobi hunted until class was over and then we had history of mythical creatures class We sat down and mr Kahn started to talk.

"Class we have an important lesson for today it's about gifts some of you will have a gift and some of you wont have gifts."
"Certain vampires will have special ability a gained or Enhanced when they changed into a vampire. These special abilities are different for everyone who has them. When a human transforms into a vampire his/her strongest trait is brought into his / her new life when some one has an intense skill or characteristic it heightens when they change For example a human mind original would only cover her/him from psychic powers , but after becoming a vampire she or he could project it to cover those around him/her a large majority of vampiric gifts affect the mind, but there have been exemptions a majority of vampires gifts affect the mind , but there is a majority of vampire gifts that affect the mind , but there has been exceptions as some powers work on the physical world , every gift is unique , never working the same way twice because no one thinks exactly the same way , some may take time to develop even decades to improve."

after class me and Tobi walked back to the dorms. Once we got there he hugged me and said,

"Shay if you ever need anything just come and get me now okay?"

I nodded my head.

"Okay goodnight Tobi"

I ran up to my room changing into my pjs and sitting on my bed when Dee walked in with Ray and they sat on her bed.

"What's wrong it looks like you seen a ghost?" I laughed. Her eyes started to water when Ray wrapped her arms around her.

"Hey hey, what's wrong sis." I asked. And rushed over rubbing her back questioning her about what happened.

"You know when you asked me what happened to me in hunting class, and why I looked like I was dragged around by somebody?" Dee asked making the tears fall onto her cheeks.

"Yeah," i whispered.

"Well, ugh.. I did something terrible." She cried out. I looked at her and then at Ray waiting for the rest of the explanation.

"I crossed the treaty."

I gasped and stood up from the bed looking at Dee like as if She were crazy.

"Denice! You what?"

"Shay she didn't know. We can't tell anybody no matter how bad this is. It has to stay between us girls nobody else should know. Her life is on hold and this can end badly for her. You understand?" Ray asked reaching for My hand.

"We're telling you because she trusts you with this and she didn't want to tell you at first but I gave her a pep talk." She added. I didn't know what to say because I was scared i couldn't even look at Dee.

"Okay." Was all i was able to say.

"Okay what?" Dee asked crying.

"I won't say anything." I whispered. Then i rushed out the room closing the door behind me leaving dee and ray in the room.

I ran to the boys side of the dorm and knocked on the Tobis door and called his name he rushed out and asked what was wrong I said I couldn't tell him but I just didn't want to be alone so he pulled me towards the secret library.

We cuddled up on the couch and Tobi played with my hair as we chatted about the day's events and eventually we drifted off

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