[Anthong X Memes]

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Anthong woke up and went over to his computer. He searched the internet for some memes...(A/N: you decide if they are dank or not) Soon he came across a meme called Pepe The Frog and he instantly fell in love. Anthong then searched for Pepe and began to pet the screen. Rachie opened the window and whispered loudly,

"Otp." before closing it and slowly walking away.

Anthong just stared for a long time, covering his precious meme-baby from Rachie. My preciousess. He thought. Anthong scrolled down the page for hours, it was now 10:57pm and Anthong realized he hadn't eaten yet. So, he went to his kitchen and grabbed a packet of cheese and went back to his bedroom. He sat some cheese on his computer for his precious meme-baby. Thats when he realized...The computer is getting more attention than his meme. Anthong now feeling guilty grabbed some white cardboard and somehow managed to print out his precious meme. He sat the cardboard cut out against the wall. He then got the cheese from earlier and sat it in front of the meme. Anthong started to put candles around his meme-baby and make a shrine. Juby quickly barged into his room,

"THATS NOT HOW YOU MAKE A SHRINE." Juby yelled as she marched over to Anthong who was now worried for his friend. Juby quickly made a shrine (A/N:it looks like the one in yandere simulator except with memes). Anthong looked at the gorgeous shrine surronding his waifu for laifu.

"How are you so good at this Juby?" Anthong was amazed by Juby's mad shrine making skillz.

"Well...you see I had a Rachie-shrine but it wasn't worthy enough so, I went through trial and error before making a glorious shrine for..." Juby let out a dreamy sigh "Rachie-Senpai~"

Meanwhile Rachie watched from the window blushing. "Ju-boo-baby~ You made a shrine for me?" Rachie asked with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, Rachie-Senpai~" Juby said and she hugged Rachie before connecting their lips together.

Kuraiinu/Chishio was standing in the middle of the room. Ranting somehting about Sonic.

Anthong, who had finally found his true love was happy,...but he was also pretty pissed that everyone ruined this beautiful moment between him and memes.


Anthong woke up, he looked around his room. No meme. No shrine. No creepy yandere Juby. It was all just a dream. Anthong turned over on his side, deciding to go back to sleep when he heard someone whispering into his ear, "Anthony~~~~~~"" Anthong looked to see who it was. It. Was. PEDOBEAR. Anthong let out an extremely girly scream.


Anthong woke up, really confused as to what the hell just happened. What drugs did I take? He wondered. Anthong ignored this and went to his computer preparing for todays live stream with the beautiful, sinful, unholy people, Juby, Rachie and Kura. He would have to tell them about his strange dream. While he waited for the stream to start, he looked at memes, hid beautiful, adorable, Precious meme-babys.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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