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This became a reoccurring theme. Gerard meeting Frank after his performance in his office, a few times backstage, anywhere they had privacy.

There was no meaning behind it. It was pure physical attraction. They both felt it when they met for the first time three months ago. When you work in such an environment, you can't help getting worked up and needing a release.

They weren't the only ones stealing any personal time together they could at the club. Brendon and Ryan were screwing around any chance they had, even at each others houses. Their relationship was more than just sex though. They became close only months after Ryan joined, Brendon offering his friendship to the young boy.

They both admitted an attraction towards the other, but decided to act upon their feelings one day when Ryan had finished his shift.

Frank didn't know about the relationships between his employees, but he didn't really care either. As long as they didn't show it at work or let it effect work then he didn't want to know.

Gerard and Frank never hung out outside of work, they only met when passing at the club or during their late night encounters in Franks office.

It wasn't until today, just a regular Saturday night at the club, when things changed.

Gerard had come in for his evening shift, meeting Frank at the bar as he was heading for backstage.

"Gerard, can I see you in my office please" Frank called as he was walking past.

Gerard stopped walking and turned around to meet Frank's eyes. "Sure, did I do something wrong?" He feigned innocence, assuming he was being summoned for their weekly fuck.

Frank approached him and discretely whispered in his ear "Not yet you're not", smirking up at him before continuing to his office, shortly followed by Gerard.

He sat in his chair, gesturing to Gerard to do the same.

"Gerard..." Frank breathed, meeting his eyes across the desk.

"Yes sugar?"

"Look, what we're doing, its fun and all, but it's wrong. I've fired people before for screwing around with other. It interferes with work, it makes things awkward and uncomfortable, it causes fights and teams created among the staff. I can't have it happening again" He sighed and placed his head in his hands, leaning his elbows on the desk.

Gerard was annoyed. Not hurt, not sad, just annoyed. He had been enjoying their midnight fucks, it gave him something to do between shifts.

"So, you wanna stop?" He asked, hoping Frank would say no.

"I don't want to Gerard, but we have to. Not only because of work, but..." Frank paused, considering his next comment. He'd never let himself admit it before, but something had to be done before they went any further.

Gerard sat patiently, waiting for Frank's reason as to why they had to stop screwing around.

"I like you Gerard"

"I like you to Frank" Gerard grinned.

"No, I mean...I think I've fallen in love with you" Frank admitted. He dropped his head, closing his eyes, not wanting to see the expression on Gerard's face.


Neither man spoke. Neither knew what to say. Frank was embarrassed. He hadn't let himself feel such an emotion in years, love being too much of a risk for him to accept.

But Gerard was different, and he couldn't stop it from happening.

Gerard sighed, glancing down at the floor before replying "Frank...I have a girlfriend"

Frank's head shot up from the table, meeting Gerard's eyes with a look of pain and betrayal.

"You what?"

"I have a girlfriend Frank. I thought this wasn't serious, what we're doing. I thought you were only in it for the sex, just as much as I was" Gerard defended. He hadn't wanted to hurt Frank, but it was best for him to be honest, rather than lie to his boss.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me? Wait, so you've been cheating on me? No, you've been cheating on him with me?" Frank's voice rose slightly.

"Her" Gerard corrected him. "But yes, I have been cheating on her with you. We're not very serious. I met her when I first moved here and got my apartment. We met up a few times then started sleeping together. We never had 'the talk' about naming the relationship. I just assumed she wasn't bothered either. Just wanted someone to fuck"

"Is that was I was too? Just someone to fuck? Gerard I fell for you. And now you're telling me we could never be together because you have a girlfriend of all things" Frank was hurt. He'd been lied to, he'd been betrayed.

"Frank come on, we never hung out away from work, we barely speak unless it's between pants while you're leaning over your desk. I thought you knew what this was. Despite whether I'm single or not, I thought we both knew this was just a physical thing" Gerard raised his voice to meet Franks.

"Also, even if I were single, we couldn't 'be together' because as you, and Ryan, have said, no dating other employees. It would never work. You're the boss for fuck sake. How would we explain that to the others?" Gerard continued.

"I don't know Gerard! I didn't think that far ahead, but I can't control my feelings, I can't stop them from forming. When you have sex with someone multiple times a week for three months, it creates a weird bond. I'd hoped you'd felt it too, then we could have figured something out" Frank's voice lowered again, settling to a sad mumble.

"And what would we have figured out Frank? That we date in secret then I go home to my girlfriend and act like nothing happened?" Gerard spat sarcastically.

"Well you do that already so it can't be that hard to lie to her" Frank scoffed.

"Fuck you Frank. Im sorry I'm not in love with you. I didn't know it was that easy for you to fall in love with your employees. I don't know how many of the other poor fuckers here you've tried this with but it's just not gunna work with us"

"Gerard..." Frank stopped and sighed. He'd calmed down now, his voice low, resembling a whimper. "Gerard I don't wanna give you up. I have feelings for you, even if we stop screwing around, how am I gunna be able to cope with seeing you every day, half naked and grinding against every man that throws you a twenty"

"I don't know Frank, that's your problem. You should have controlled your emotions better before you went too far"

They both stopped talking, breathing slowly, avoiding eye contact.

Frank stared at his desk, Gerard at the floor. Neither wanting to speak next.

"Well, I can't fire you because it would be against the guidelines, so I guess we'll just have to keep our distance" Frank finally spoke, reluctantly admitting the truth.

"Guess so"

Gerard rose from his chair and approached the door, not looking back at frank.

"See you around, boss"

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