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The blood started cascading down his face, illuminated by the glare of the rising fire engulfing the room as Gerard panicked and dived behind a crate of illegally imported goods.

"Shit! Julio's down! Gerard fucking hide unless you wanna join him!" The angry roar from Gerard's remaining partner echoed through the warehouse as they both hid behind crates at the back end of the building.

The deafening rattle of machine gun bullets landing on the floor rang through the air.

Gerard raised his head cautiously to spot his opponent at the opposite end of the building, ducking behind more crates when sighted.

Carlos briefly glanced above the crate, caught sight of an enemy, ducked back down and raised his weapon, firing in their direction and hoping he was on target.

Gerard copied his move, taking out the two closest men, leaving only four remaining.

"Fuck this, Gerard we gotta move, on my signal, we get up and run through the back door, got it?" Carlos shouted across to Gerard, who was still crouched behind his crate.

Carlos pulled out a grenade and glanced over at Gerard, waiting for his acknowledgment of the plan.

Gerard nodded and turned to face the door behind them, ready to run.

Carlos pulled the pin, throwing the grenade towards the opposite end of the building and ran towards the door, ready to dive into the awaiting car in the alleyway and take off.

Gerard beat him to the door and kicked it open, causing it to slam shut behind him before Carlos had caught up.

He had already fled the building, making it a few yards away before turning to realise he was alone.

The building shook and the glass windows shattered into a million pieces as flames roared through the open holes.

Gerard dived behind a pile of crates and old abandoned cars to avoid the fire.

He didn't have time to think, as the rival drug gang's back up would be arriving any second to scope out Gerard's remaining team.

He ran down the alleyway, reaching the getaway car and jumping in.

Gerard was a few miles away before slowing the car to a stop and sitting back, running his hands through his dirty hair.

He exhaled slowly, coming to terms with what had happened.

Carlos and Julio didn't make it out.

He was in deep shit now. 

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