Little Miss Princess Diaries

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Today was a disaster. I woke up at 7:00 rushing as fast as I could. I only had 15 minutes to get ready. My parents both left at 5:00 A.M. with my bratty little brother (who's in preschool but only every other day). So, I had no one to help me. To make it all worse, I had nothing to wear, but this time it was for real. All of my favorite clothes were dirty. So, I had to throw on an old pair of baggy old jeans and an old t-shirt from 4th grade, and to top it all off, I had to put on an old christmas sweater that my grandma made. How was I supposed to get through the day like this? I ran out the door as fast as I could. Of course I had
to walk since my parents were at work. Luckly, I made it to school on time.

First I made my way to AB. My teacher's name is Mrs. Liner. I had to work on a project witha goth girl I met just the other day. Her name was sunshine, but she is nothing but a kreepy girl who makes you feel like she wants to hurt you. Anyway, I turns out I forgot my homework! it was humiliating! I had to sit in detention during lunch and stare at the wall for what felt like five hours! Half the kids in there were chewing gum as the teacher walked by with a nasty look on her face and a ruler in her hand. I would stare at her watching the ruler hit her hand time after time,until finally, the lunch bell rang. I was free at last, well, from detention anyway. After school was over I tried to put myself in a happy mood again, one that wouldn't give away that I was in detention. It was the first time I had been in detention so my parents would kill me if they found out.

When I got home my parents and my little brother Chris.

"Sam, will you play with me? Those were the very words that spelled out trouble. Obviously, the older sister I am I told him to go away. But, I said it very nicely so I don't see why he has to be such a little booger. After a few minutes of peace and quiet I go into my room to get my homework. I walk in and the little booger is sitting there with all the stuff that was in my backpack. He looks up at me, and smiles. I stay clam with all my might and ask him what he was doing with my backpack. he says "just lookin for my cars." He pulls out my detention slip and asks my what it was. I decided that it was safe to tell him. What was he going to do tell mom and dad he doesn't even know his left from his right, so, I told him. That was my first mistake.

Later that day during dinner. We were eating and my little brother asks my parents "What's detention." My mom says "A place where kids go sometimes when their being bad, why." That's when I tried to get out of the room but before I could speak Chris says "Sam had one in her packpack." He said messing the word backpack up on porpoise just to look cute. I sank into my chair and would not look into my parents eyes but I knew they were staring back at me with fury.

Little Miss Princess DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now