Author's Note

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This book is dedicated to- Ashwin, Leo, and Grant D.

"Not all who wander are lost"- JRR Tolkien.

"Fiction is the truth in a lie"- Stephen King.

Dear readers,

Samuel Argon is a character I developed with great care, inspired by the great Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and many of Brandon Mull's protagonists. His world was, honestly, made in quite a rush. I drew out the map, and began from there, beginning with the way the four kingdoms operated and ending with Polaris' story. Sometimes I have felt like my readers would not understand parts of my stories, and I have done my best to explain much of the events that occur. For us authors, stories come completely from our imaginations and we feel bonded to them in a way readers would not fully understand. They flow naturally in our minds, but sometimes not as much on paper.

So I have pushed myself much harder to bring the story down to a more understandable read. Even in book two. At the beginning, it all happens in sort of a hurry (not for me) but begins to gradually descend later on. Now I hope book three will be the best so far.

You are my friends, my fellow readers. I have always wanted to share with others, and I hope you have enjoyed what I have brought to the Wattpad table. I mean to give you more, but first you must enjoy the story you are about to begin.

Good luck, and may the force be with you,

JM Azcui

P.S.- I especially thank my followers, my parents and family, and my friends, including those not mentioned in the dedication.

Enjoy the ride!

The Inferno Slayer: Book Three- EnchantmentWhere stories live. Discover now