chapter 2:

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<Yes.> I said flicking my gaze to him.

<Are you okay?> 

<Of course. Why wouldn't I be?>

<I'll explain after you change back.>

<Um okay I guess.>

<Momma will you shift back?> 

<Why yes Tommy I will. I just need a change of clothes.>

<I came prepared.> Cody grinned as he threw a pair of shorts, and a blue tight off the shoulder top.

<Thanks Cody.>

<Welcome now change. We wanna see what you look like> He said excitement lighting up his features. 

I did my best to shrug before picturing myself in human form. I quickly changed into the clthes when the boys gasped.

<So how do I look?> I asked shyly.

"Damn you-"

"Just got Hotter." The twins replied finishing each others sentece.

"Can I see?" I asked looking at the boys. They were all starring at me with shocked faces. 

Zach recovered first and handed me a mirror. I nodded a thanks and realied that my hair was a raven black and hung near my waiste.

I looked in the mirror and gasped at the sight. 

The girl in the mirror was not me. 

She had long raven black hair. 

Beautiful gray eyes.

Full plump pink lips.

A straight button nose.

I looked down.

I had pretty purky boobs.

I wasn't too big anymore. 

I had curves in all the right places and long legs. 

I didn't look like me anymore. But when I moved the girl starring at me did too.

I smiled and saw that I now had dimples.

"Mommy your still my mommy." Tommy said wrapping his little arms around my legs.

I grinned down at the cutest kid ever.

" Always. And forever." I told him.

"Dude we so-

"Love you!" The twins said grinning crazily. Tommy stuck his tongue at them before reaching up to me.

I picked him up and placed him on my hip.

" We still need to know if you can fight." Blake said darkly.

"Um no. My old "pack" didn't believe women should fight." I said my voice became dark too. Blake doesn't scare me. The sooner he realized that the sooner I could become close to him too.

"What the HELL is wrong with your old pack?!" Zach shouted angry.

"I don't know. They never liked me. They hated me actually. And I hate them." I said lightly.

"Well it's a good thing you wouldn't be seeing them anymore. Your ours now." Brian said throughing his arm over my shoulder. I grinned at his acceptence.

"So that doesn't mean anything. Not all of us like her." Blake said anger laced in his voice.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! She hasn't even done anything to you!" Micheal snarled. 

His face became flushed with anger.

"You all oh so easily accepted her. We don't even know if she can be trusted. If her old pack hated her why shouldn't we?" Blake snarled back. 

"Just because you don't like the fact that your brother calls her mommy and loves her as much as he does already doesn't mean you should be a complete ASS!" Micheal shouted.

"Okay enough. Are you forgetting that Tommy's in the room! Get OUT with that. If you want to argue don't do it in front of him!" I snapped at both of them. Blake got close to my face.

"You don't control us. We don't have to listen to you." He said breathing hard.

"Leave her ALONE! She's my new mommy now. I wov her." Tommy screamed pushing at his brother's legs.

"She isn't you mother. And never will be." Blake snapped storming out the room.

 I handed Tommy to Zach before storming after Blake.

" I have done nothing to you. So why do you hate me so much?" I asked codly when I finally caught up to him.

"My MOTHER DIED to keep Tommy safe. And then al of a sudden he's calling you mommy and you look more like her than you did before. It's not that I hate YOU. It's that I'm not over my mother's death. And I hate THAT." He said his voice becoming dazed and sad. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

He was stiff until he realized I wasn't going to let go until he hugged me back. He took a deep breathe of my scent and relazed against me.

"See how easy that was. You just needed someone to talk to. And hug." I said pulling away to look at his face.

"Yeah I guess your right. Sorry for um being so hateful." He said softly.

I hummed before walking back into my room. Blake followed behind silently.

"So?" Zach asked giving Tommy back to me. I pushed his dark locks away from his face and he nuzzled my hand.

"I don't hate her. And she doesn't hate me." Blake said watching us. Tommy smiled at him.

I laughed softly when Tommy beagn to snore. 

"Guys it's time for bed we'll talk later." I said walking over to my bed. I placed Tommy down and shooed the boys out. They all kissed my cheeks except Blake. We just shared an understanding look before he walked away. I shut the door and climbed into bed with Tommy.

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