*Chapter Five*

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We came at each other slashing violently.
I caught her off balance and slammed her down, but she moved out from under me. I was pinned and managed to get my legs free.
Flipping her over me I stood half way up and quickly pinned her down.

"Enough, I give." Annie sighed panting.
I got up up and offered her a hand.
"Wow, you're a really good fighter." I commented also out of breath.
"Thanks, but can we go back to our partners now? They look bored." She gestured over to Armin and Marco.

"Ok, but try to go easy on Armin.
He is more smarts than strength." I sighed remembering how ruthless she was.
"Ok, sure." Annie replied picking up her wooden knife.
I went back to where Marco and Armin were "fighting".
"Hey guys how's it going." I asked.

"Finish up one more round then head back to the mess hall." General Shadis yelled over the ruckus of the battlefield.
"Wow, it's dinner time already." I sighed cracking my aching back.
"Yeah, come on we have one more round to finish." He said smiling mischievously.

We both charged an one another.
He stepped on my toes and pushed ome to the ground I fell backwards
Trying to grab anything to stay up I grabbed his shirt
Marco was caught off guard and fell down with me.
I hit the ground with a loud thud my head hit and I began seeing spots.
More softly he landed on top of me.
I winced the back of my head began to throb with pain.
As my vision slightly blurred I realized he was staring at me.
"A-Are you okay?" He asked worried.
"F-Fine." I said tackling him to and pinning him down.
Then I rolled off his chest and grabbed my shaking leg.
Pain shot up it as a steady stream of blood flowed turned my white pants red.
I looked down to see a cut about three inches long on my thigh.

Staggering I tried to stand up.
"No don't, I can take you to the infirmary." He said picking me up like a princess.
I rested my head on his chest listening to his heart.
It seemed faster than normal, I look up to see him slightly pink.

When we got to the infirmary he gently set me down on a table.
"Thanks." I smiled.
A nurse patched up my leg and got me a new pair of pants.
Marco helped me limp to dinner.
On the way we stopped at a tree stump, so I could sit and rest a moment.

"Why did you sign up to be a recruit, you seem to kind to be able to hurt anyone." I asked him as I sat to rest my throbbing leg.
"I hurt you, didn't I." He said with guilty look.
"That wasn't your fault, I landed on my own knife." I laughed trying to ease his mind of any guilt.
"The reason I joined is to serve the king,
I hope to get posted as military police."
Marco said proudly with a brilliant smile.

"That sounds nice, I might join you." I commented as we walked to dinner.
We got our food and went to sit in the usual spot.
Jean and Armin were already there eating there food.

"So where were you two?" Jean asked smirking.
"I took (Y/n) to the infirmary to bandage her leg." Marco answered.
"Is that all you love birds were doing?" Jean questioned further raising an eyebrow and still smirking.

"Yes." I replied blushing furiously.
After we finished our food we went outside and talk for a while.
The sun was beginning to set and I started falling asleep were I was sitting.
I must have lost more blood than I thought.
"Here, I can carry you to your bunk." Marco said picking me up, piggy back.

The pace of his walking lolled me to sleep.
I heard a door open, probably the to the girls bunks.
Marco shook me lightly.
"Which one is yours." He whispered into my ear. "The one in the corner with the blue blanket on it.
"Thanks for everything Marco." I said still half asleep. (😭)

I felt him set me down and pull up the covers.
The last thing I remember was the feeling of soft kiss on my forehead.
He whisper so soft I could hardly hear it "Good night."


I hope you liked it!
The freckled one (:.^•^.:)
P.S. The pic is by ASSMILK on deveinArt
( haha I love their name.)

A Promise (Marco Bott x Reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora