NaLu SongFic (My Immortal)

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Ohai-yo! ^^ I hope you like this songfic/oneshot ^U^ This is my first songfic so sorry if its bad ;_;

-I’m so tired of being here

Suppressed by all my childish fears

And if you leave,

Just leave,

‘Cause your presence still lingers here

And it won’t leave me alone-


(Natsu’s POV)

That moment just played over and over in my head,

I don’t want to leave my house, yet I feel her presence every time I’m here.

Damn it why can’t she leave my mind!

“Natsu!” I heard a voice call. I turned around to see Lucy jumping on my couch.

I shook my head, Lucy wasn’t there anymore.

“I must be going insane..” I laughed.

“Natsu...gomenasai…” Lucy’s voice went through my mind.

“Damn it Lucy stop it!” I yelled banging my head against the wall.


-The wounds won’t seem to heal

   This pain is just too real,

There’s  just too much time cannot erase-


(Natsu’s POV)


“Natsu...gomenasai…” Lucy coughed out.

“Lucy!” Natsu held her close to his chest staring at her with wide-eyes.

“Where’s Wendy?!” Gray yelled.

“’s okay…” Lucy coughed blood trickling down her chin.

“Lucy you’re gonna be fine okay!” Natsu cried.

“I’m going to miss you and my nakama…” Lucy breathing got slower as she started to close her eyes.

“Natsu… I love … you.” Lucy smiled as everything faded away, the world was black, she knew she was dying. “I have to..leave… now…” her body stopped, her heart stopped, everything stopped.

“Lucy!” everyone yelled.

Her hand  that was on Natsu’s cheek fell to the ground. “Lucy, wake up!” Natsu cried, “C’mon Wendy will be here in a minute!” , “C’mon Lucy wake up!”

He got no response, just the silence that filled the air.

“LUCY!” Natsu cried out, tears running down his face.


-When you cried I’d wipe away all of your tears,

When you’d scream I would fight away all of your fears,

Your face, it haunts my once pleasant dreams,

Your voice, it chased away the sanity in me-


(Natsu POV)

Today was Lucy’s funeral,

I slowly got out of bed and put on my suit. I didn’t feel like going, it pained me to see her face.

I walked out off my house to see Juvia and Gray waiting for me.

“C’mon Natsu…” Gray motioned at me and we walked. We were all silent but we felt a different presence walking beside us.

“Lucy Heartfilia, well, she was such a happy girl, always ready to help her nakama…” Master started. “She was strong, joyful, and just downright a great person to around.”

After Master talked we all got to say our goodbyes.

“I-I’m so sorry Lucy-nee, i-if only got there sooner-” Wendy started then stopped.

We all felt a chill run down our spine when we heard a voice, not just any voice , Lucy’s voice.

“Wendy, it’s not your fault, it’s no ones fault but mine… please never blame yourself for my childish acts…” the voice faded away and we all stood there , shocked.

Erza went over to Wendy who was sobbing, and comforted her.

I walked up to her casket and saw Lucy pale,cold body lying there, she still had that smile on her face, and she looked...peaceful.

I kissed her on the forehead and whispered “Are you still with us?”

I thought I heard her voice say “Why would I ever leave?”


-I tried to tell myself that you’re gone

 But you’re still with me,

I’ve been alone all along,-


Everyone started to get used to feeling Lucy’s presence at the guild.

Whenever “Team Natsu” sat down we could always feel Lucy sitting down with us.

Everyone would greet her when “Lucy” would sit down beside them, except me,

I didn’t want to feel her presence, she is dead , she should be gone.

“Ohai-yo Lucy.” Erza said smiling sadly.

I looked away , stop it, everyone just stop.

“Natsu?” I heard a voice call out.

I looked around , no one had called me.

“I-I’m gonna go outside..” I got up from the table and went outside.

I felt that presence again.

“Lucy stop following me.” I groaned walking farther off.

I heard  footsteps behind me.

“God dammit Lucy stop it!” I yelled at the air, “Just leave me alone!”
I heard crying.

“Lucy, gomenasai..” I whispered.

I felt her arms wrapping around me, “Natsu..I don’t want to leave you… or anyone…”

“You don’t have to.” I sighed, “But your presence makes everyone sad…”
People who were walking by looked at me weirdly, I didn’t care.

After a moment of silence I heard her voice again.

“Natsu, I will be waiting up there..” she whispered, “I love you, remember that.”

Her presence disappeared, and I never felt it again.

-the end-

(A/N) I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters.. and I don't own this song its owned by Evanescence ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2013 ⏰

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