I can't remember anything... Chapter 1

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I can't remember... Scratch that. All three of us can't remember!

Chapter 1

I can't remember anything. I lost my memory... I think. I'm not sure. All I know is that I woke up and  I don't know where the heck I am or how I got here. I can't even remember my name.

I'm afraid. I don't know what to do or where to go. I'm alone.

I listen to my surroundings. It's quiet except for the constant whooshing sound coming from outside. It's raining.

I opened my eyes and find myself staring up at a ceiling. Shifting my head to the left, I see a glass wall with a sliding door, leading to a backyard. A beach. I turn my head to the right to see a long hallway with an abundance of doors. I'm lying down in the middle of the hall way. In a place unfimiliar to me.

And I'm alone...


What happened? Where am I? How did in get here?

I sit up from my lying position on the floor. There's a window on the far side of of the room. There are couches of black leather. There are small glass table in the middle of the room separating the couches from the flat screen that sat on the east side of the room.

I slowly walk up to the window. What I see shocks me extremely. I turn my head to the left, then to the right. I blink a couple of times to make sure that my inmagination isn't playing tricks on me, but after a while I realize that I'm not imagining.

I'm... well I don't know, but I know It's raining.


Waves. That's what I heard. I hear water splashing against rocks far off in the distance. I feel something moist land on my cheeck.

I opened my eyes. The sky a fierce color of gray, like... I don't know but it was really gray. I turned my head to the right and all I see are some trees and sand. And then some more sand. OH! and a huge house.

I looked to my left and see water. The ocean. I sit up and noticed that I'm on shore. The moist sand sticking to my pants, causing me tp shiver involuntarily.

Where am I? How did I get here? Am I alone?


This is my first story so bear with me you guys!

If you're confused, don't be. The story is written in three peoples point of view. I'm not going to tell you who they are yet or its going to ruin the story.

*(Georgie Oso Cause you know so)*

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