When mother nature calls, answer.

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This time we actually made it onto Ally's street without any heart attacks. I pull up to the familiar colourful house, not as big compared to our house but I like it. It's so Ally, and it screams adorableness.

Being a professional interior designer, she could easily afford a bigger house if she wanted but she said she didn't want a big house

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Being a professional interior designer, she could easily afford a bigger house if she wanted but she said she didn't want a big house. 'Yeah, but it's only me and Mani. Besides there's 7 rooms and 2 bathrooms and the kitchen is huge, that's all that matters'

Her reasoning makes me laugh all the time. I park the car, Camila and Dinah run out "I need to peeeeeeee" I hear Dinah yell, I giggle 'of course'

"Come on Laur, let's get the ingredients al set out so we see what we want to bake" Ally runs inside. I grab some shopping bags and head inside.

Walking into the house, the smell of cocoa butter and vanilla fill the room. The whole aura of the house is warm and it just emits a happy vibe. "Laur?"

I make my way into the kitchen, the stainless steel decor shines and sparkles as the sun reflects off of it "okay so I've got all the Ingredients, this is going to be fun"

Camila, Dinah and Normani emerge through the doors.

"Ally can we make sugar cookies"
"Ohh ohh and cupcakes"
"Ohh and a rainbow cake?"

All three girls get giggly and excited "I don't see why not, we have all the ingredients and even ovens to do that" Ally responds, earning a cluster of excited squeals.

"Well girls let's play some music and get started" I smiled, plugging the aux cord into my phone

"🎶 clock strikes upon the hour, and the sun begins to faaaade🎶"

No ones POV

A messy kitchen, 5 giggling girls and a ton of songs later and they were all finally finished baking. Camila, Dinah and Normani all wore bright smiles as they eyes out their delicious creations. Lauren and Ally were just adding the finishing touches.

"Annnnnd there we go; finished" Ally puts the last few sprinkles on top of the rainbow cake. The girls stand back in and stare in awe, giving each other plenty of high fives.

"Well it's nearly 5, so we shouldn't eat too many sweets" Ally states as she wipes the remnants of flour onto her pants.

We should go out for dinner. We could try that new restaurant on Wolf street" Lauren suggests, blowing a piece of hair out of her face.

"Oh yeah could we. I hear their steak is so good" Dinah asks

Ally smiled "yeah sure lets all get changed and then head off"


"Ohhh my gosh, can you please at least move you boring crab" Camila huffs as she watches the marine life in the tank. They were waiting for a table at the new restaurant orbit

Long to feel wanted and needed (fifth harmony age play)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя