18. The agreement

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The next day Ino was sent by her mother with some flowers for Mrs. Nara. She usually sends her fresh flowers for a fresh aroma in her house. Ino is entering directly in her best friend's house, aka her new secret boyfriend.
Mrs. Nara isn't home and Shikamaru still sleeps. Shikaku is in another mission, and Ino profites of this situation by going to wake up her boyfriend.
She goes up-stairs, she finds his room and enters. He's there, sleeping so peacefully, it would really be a sin if someone would disturb his relaxing. But no, she won't disturb him, not this time. She just kisses his forehead slowly and emotionally, in a romantic way. He feels it something on his face, a soft touch, and wake up. His tired face become a happy one after seeing that there is his loved one.

"Good morning, Shika." She said with a soft tone.

"Good morning, my precious." he said smiling. She kissed him on his cheek then he started to talk.

"I'd love to wake up with you every morning from my life." he said caressing her long blonde hair.

"I'd love that too. But our relationship is forbidden." she said sad.

"Yeah...by the way, what are you doing here?" he said getting down from the bed. He wears just a pair of black boxers and his muscles and his abdomen are really highlighted. Ino couldn't take her eyes from his perfect body.

"I came with flowers, but your parents aren't home." she responded to his question.

"I understand. So I'm free to hug, and to kiss you..." he said approaching of Ino. She blushes because this Shikamaru who approaches of her is almost naked. Then he kisses she on her neck, going to her lips. All what Ino feels is the pleasure of love, the pleasure of being with Shikamaru. He put her on his bed, and their kisses are even stronger and without stopping. The only stops are when they must take some air. He starts to undress her, but before, he must ask her something.

"Are you sure about this, Ino?"

"Yes, I'm very sure. I love you." she said then continued to kiss him.

"I love you too, babe." he said between their wonderful kisses, undressing her.

(I think you all know what happens next, I'm not good at describing such things, sorry)


They both are standing in the bed, Ino on Shikamaru's chest. The pleasure that they feel when they are next to each other can't be described in words.

"What will we do,Shika?"

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"Our relationship..." she answered.

"We must continue to hide it."

"I didn't told you, but I suspect Sai and Koudai for the picture from that night..." she confessed.

"What? Why?" asked the naked boy surprised.

"Well..." she explained him everything she supposes and Shikamaru agreed.

"So you want to enter in Koudai's mind, then we'll have a proof that he and Sai comploted against us. Then Hokage-sama will erase our interdictions and I won't be forced anymore to date with Temari."

"Exactly." Ino answered.

"You're a genius, love." he said then kissed his girl.

"We should get dressed, your parents could come in any moment."

"Not yet, I want to stay with you. 5 more minutes, please." he complained.

"We can't." She got up from Shikamaru's bed and got dressed, then she helped him getting dressed too. When they have done, he kissed her in a sweet, romantic way, but in that moment Yoshino enters in the room without any announce. They're surprised and stopped kissing, but Yoshino who already saw them starts to laugh a bit.

"Oh, so you 2 are dating now." she said with a surprising happy smile.

"Ohh...umm.." they didn't know what to answer.

"It's okay, you can tell me. Plus, I already saw you kissing and how you stare at each other, and how you blush..." said mrs. Nara.

"Well...aren't you supposed to be mad because of that?" asked Shikamaru.

"What? Why should I be? Is your right, you're young, you love each other, of course you can be together. Why you ask me such a thing, darling?" 

"Well...because of Ino-Shika-Chou formation..." he responded.

"Shikamaru, there is no reason for you and Ino not be together. Feel free to be." said Yoshina smiling. 

"And dad?" 

"He agrees too, I'm sure of that." 

"Now, I'll go to cook the breakfast, do you stay, Ino?" 

"No, Yoshino-san, I must go back home. Bye Shika." she smiled. He kissed her lips before the leaving. They were really eased by the fact that the parents of Shikamaru were pro their relationship, but now she must see if her parents agree too. Of course, if Nara family is okay with that, Yamanaka family will be too. And this is how it was. Her mom and dad agreed with that. So now she really can be happy, but what will they do with the Hokage's order? This is at what Ino is thinking now.


When Ino met Koudai at Ichiraku Ramen, there passed already 2 weeks from the event with Shikamaru's mother. By now, their closest friends know that Ino and Shikamaru form a couple. That excludes Koudai and Sai, of course.
So they met there, at Ichiraku, and Ino ordered ramen, of course. Koudai said hello to her then asked her how she done these weeks. She said that she missed him as a friend and she would like to take a walk with him. He accepted, because he knew that if Sai would have find that he refuses, then it would be bad. Ino took him in a far part of the Konoha Park, where Shikamaru was waiting. He immobilized Koudai with his shadow and Ino used her jutsu.

"Shintenshin no Jutsu!"

In his mind, Ino discovered a lot of memories, including what she was searching for: the memory when Sai told Koudai that he's going to spy Ino, when he took the picture, when he paid Koudai, etc. Plus, she found some meories where Koudai is stealing from other persons, old memories. "So Sakura was right, he really is a bad guy." Ino thought.
She exited from his mind and ran away with Shikamaru. 

"So?" he asked while running.

"Yes, they really comploted against us. Now we must present this proof in front of Tsunade-sama." she said.

"How will we do that?" 

"I must poach Koudai in the interrogation room where I can connect his mind to a screen and we will can see his memories. Tsunade-sama will see that and they will recieve what they deserve." she responded to the genius' question.

"Wow, this is clever, Ino." he said.

"I learnd from the best!" They stopped and kissed then left at Ino's house for spending more time together.

Omg it happened😱😱 1k reads and over 100 votes😱 thank you so, so, so, so much💞💞💞💓💓
And yes, as you oberved (maybe), I changed my name. MrsObid is now Emm-chan😊😊

So, if you liked the chapter, please don't forget to vote/comment, and once again thank you for 1k reads and 100+ votes😁😁
See ya💕💖💗💙💚

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