Chapter 3

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Me: yes...I have done the unthinkable
(Drops to the floor laughing miniacly with a bloody sword.)
Stepheny: no you didn't. Im right here and...
(Swipes finger across sword and licks it.)
Stepheny: is that ketchup?
(Drops sword.)
Me: I own nothing............
Bella's POV
This isn't a house. This is a beautiful mansion! Compare this to sights like freakin Buckingham Palace and this place would win! The size is huge! And that's from the outside! I look back wide eyed and mouth a gape to Rose. Of course, she thinks nothing much of the house and if staring back at me with adoration, admiration I must be loosing it.

We walked inside and I was greeted by a group of people who looked just as stunning as Rose.
"Bella, meet the parents. That's Carlisle." A strikingly handsome blonde haired man stepped forward and shook my hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Dr Cullen." I smiled. He sent a smile back at me.
"Please, call me Carlisle." I nodded when another woman walked in the room.

Her hair was a caramel flowing like a river and her eyes were the most perfect honey scotch gold I've ever seen. Her figure was perfect like an hour glass as she stepped towards me to meet me.
"Hello, Bella. I'm Esme. Carlisle's sister." She clarified, enclosing my hand in her stone cold one. Her smile dazzled me for a moment, letting me think of how perfect she was before I could almost respond.
"Y-you too E-E-Esme..." I stuttered, internally cursing at myself for doing so and being attracted to an older woman. Esme only seemed to smile with a slight chuckle, as if she knew what she was doing to me.

Damn woman

The rest of my day was spent at the Cullens but finding it strange that Rose and Esme seemed to keep touching me. The day went great until...

"Yes, Charlie?" I said, picking up the phone. I'm sure I heard Rosalie growl and saw Esme sneer but I much have been imagining things.

"Get. Home. Now." He growled angrily. That surprised me, Charlie's always ignored me not been angry with me...

"Fine..." I told him shocked. And when I got home that's when it happened....

Please read next post. Stopped writing for a reason.

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