Chapter 1

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Me:AHHHHHH!!! *being chased around and around in circles by Emmett*
Emmett: SAY IT!
Rosalie: Emmett, get off her. Bella is getting restless.
Esme: yes Emmett, calm down. Author start the story please
Me: okay but before hand, in this story Jasper is completely fine around Bella and her blood. Thanks!

Bella's POV
"Mom, please put your phone away you know how I get nervous quickly!" Mom had her phone out while driving us home from school. Her eyes kept flickering from her phone to the road and she was texting her friend Shelly while driving. This was the fourth time I've begged her to stop as I get really nervous while driving.
"Isabella Marie Swan do you not trust me behind the wheel?" She laughed while texting. The next part was scaring me a little. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. A loud car horn yelled from my right and I saw my Mom looking out the window with a terrified face. The car was heading right for us as mom had driven through a red light. I flicked my head quickly away to protect my face and I heard mom scream before I felt the impact and a warm liquid spread over my right hand.
End of Flashback

Not long after that, I learnt Mom didn't stand a chance against the car and she died instantly. My seatbelt and airbag protected me and he doctors said I was incredibly smart to turn my head away when I did. I was smart, yes but that couldn't help my mom. If only I took her phone from her when she started texting.

I live with my father in Forks, Washington now. He's a drunk idiot. He does nothing but drink and drink and drink at the loss of my mom. My mom walked out on him so he still loved her. I would help him if he could get his butt in gear.

He's normally out of the house everyday but not a work, no way! He's either in a bar or at a brothel waiting for the newest prostitute. He's been on and on about one certain girl but I don't listen to him.

I groan and smack my alarm off the desk as I push myself to my feet. I shuffle to my closet and throw on a T-shirt that says 'Realists can dream but Dreamers can make them true.'. I shove my legs through some skinny jeans and slide on my ankle boots with painted snakes on them. I dash downstairs glancing at the wall clock when I reach the kitchen.


Sugar! I have to make food and get ready for school in fifteen minutes! I make food for myself and leave some in the fridge for the man who claims to be my father. It's a Monday, he's probably sitting on a bar stool with a girl in her lap handing over dollar bills. The ones he has anyways. I'M the one who works two weekend jobs for the Gas and mortgage and water. We can't afford electricity so gas lamps have to do for lighting. Clothing and food we use the supplied benefits for. It's a hard life but we make it through.

I grab my school bag and get walking to school. I start fiddling with my hair but I don't know why. It's a feeling like somethings happened and I want to make myself presentable. I push the thought and the urge aside as I walk into the car park of the school. Obviously I'm greeted with a group of giggling girls and their leaders Lauren and Jessica. I'm not being funny but I'm fairly confident at least three of the girls in that group are called Madison...ugh popular girls. What you gonna do?

I start to walk past them hoping they won't spot me, of course that hope is crushed in under two minutes.

"Oh look! It's Swan!" Lauren yells, I stop in my tracks knowing if I move again their going to twist it so I look like a coward. The little...ugh! How much I want to punch her and there her with a black eye but no. At some point I'm going to look back at this and laugh at them when I have the perfect life and their stuck with a life they don't like and terrible grades.

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