🌸The Start of The Cream Team🌸

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beebo: you know how tyler and I have gotten to know each other more

uwannapizzapete: kinda yeah. why?

beebo: well, i just found out that tyler is single, and you know how josh is always talking about the single life is worst way to live???

uwannapizzapete: mhm..

beebo: let's get them to go out with each other.

uwannapizzapete: perFECT

uwannapizzapete: we need a good name for this though

beebo: the meme team

uwannapizzapete: no, no something with an innuendo

beebo: the cream team??

uwannapizzapete: yes i'll make the chat


uwannapizzapete has created a group chat called The Cream Team

uwannapizzapete added beebo to the chat

uwannapizzapete added spookyjim to the chat

spookyjim: ????

beebo: We're making you date tyler joseph.

uwannapizzapete: there's no way out we've decided

spookyjim: theres no way he'd date me i mean

spookyjim: is he even into guys??

Beebo: make us proud and turn him gay

uwannapizzapete: you are now our responsibilty

spookyjim: okay but i'm in the middle of lit so i'll text you guys later


uwannapizzapete: dont embarrass him you ass monger


What do you guys think so far? I'll update when I can, but I'm doing it from a laptop so its harder to type fast because the click of keys bother me

- Luca

the chapters that have the emojis by their name are edited and have been rewritten, or seen as good.

- future Luca

The  Cream Team {Joshler} (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now