Chapter 3

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So the update is finally here :) gosh I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long..

Read, enjoy and tell me what you think (if you want to...) 

love you all xx


Harry's POV

As I walked upstairs I heard some sniffling coming out of Selena's room.

I hasitated at first but then knocked on the door. "Selena?"


"Can I come in?"

"y-yeah..." I opened the door to see Selena quickly wiping away her last tears.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly. She shaking her head in responce.

I walked over to her bed, "Can I sit down?" she nodded shortly and I sat next to her. "What's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?"

She hesitated but then grabbed her phone and unlocked it to show me some text messages from Justin.

Woaw, well, if that's how he treats the one he 'loves' then woaw... "Why do you even love him?" The words slipped out of my mouth before I even noticed.

"I erm... He's not like that... usually..." She whispered, wiping away the tears that were still flowing from her choclate brown eyes. "Why do you even care?" Ouch, that was a little hard.

"Uhm... I don't know, I mean ... Since we're stuck with each other for the coming six months... We could at least try to get along." The last part came out more as a question.

She quietly laughed in disbelieve, "Us? Get along, well that's not what I made out of our 'first meeting'" she said air-coting her last words. "Don't even act like you like me, I'm used to it. You're be the first one to call me a slut and stuff."

I really had no words to reply to this, I mean I kinda told her a few days before that I hated her, which I do, or did? Instead of saying anything I just looked down makind her roll her eyes.

"Just what I thought.." She muttered as she turned around, "Just get some sleep or whatever."

I sighed, "I didn't mean it that way..."

"Then what did you mean? What else would you mean with 'I don't fucking even like you! You are some spoiled brat!'?" She said quoting what I said to her in the elevator.

"I-i Don't know why I said that... I'm sorry okay? You weren't that nice either." I reminded her.

I just knew she was rolling her eyes.

"But about what justin said... You're not a slut... You know that right? He's just a dick that he said that to you."

"He's not a dick, he was probably just drunk..." She muttered in defence.

"Why are you still defending him? He hurt you." Seriously it didn't make sence at all.

"Because I love him..." She whispered.

"I know you do... I know... But maybe he will forgive you." I tried to comfort her.

"M-maybe." She sobbed, was she crying again? This couldn't get any more awkward.

"Don't cry okay, he's not worthed your tears.. Because what he said is not true..." She just nodded but I knew she didn't believe me. "If I may ask... Why did you guys break up? If you want to tell me...? You don't have too..."

"I guess it was just the pressure from being famous, you know? All the paps and stuff. I think it was a little too much for Justin... So... He asked for a break..." She sat up and whiped away some of her tears.

"And now?"

"Now? This 'break' has been going on for three months..." She sighed. "I'm sorry for bothering you with my failed relationship stories..."

"No, it's fine... Really... Don't get me wrong, He's my friend but if he's all like this just because you strated "dating" me, then he doesn't deserve you Selena. You deserve someone better than him.. You're a beautiful girl.. Your prince will come, I promise."

"My life isn't a fairytale Harry." She said burrying her face in her pillow, obviously not wanting me to see her tear stained face.

"If you believe in it, it will be your fairytale... No fairytale is the same, and maybe yours has ups and downs.. But at the end it's all about you.. You'll be happy." God, this sounds so cheesy...

"Sometimes, sometimes I wish I wouldn't have auditioned for Barney... I mean, I love what I'm doing but it's just a lot of pressure, the 'fame' can me a little too much sometimes..." 

"I know... I feel the same, but in the end it's all worth it, right? Your fans, they make it worth it." 

She looked up again and smiled, "Yes, yes they do.."

"That's what I mean, see there's that smile again." I said trying to cheer her up. 

"Thanks... For being here." She said giving me a small smile before finally whiping away her last tears.

"Of course, I'll be here as soon as you need me, if there's anything you can talk to me okay?" Woah a few days before I would've never thought I'd be this nice to her, "Do you want me to make some tea?"

Giving a quick nod she stood up walking to the kitchen as I walked after her. She quietly watched me as I made her tea. "Here you go," I smiled her handing her her tea. She whispered a thanks before taking a nip. "It's gonna be weird though... All of this. You... and I."

"Yeah it will be," She sighed, "I mean I'm not even aloud to tell my friends... Nor family..."

"I know, it's like... No-one knows, except for us..."

"And your management..." She reminded me. Yep this sure was gonna be a weird six months, and awkward that for sure.

"Are you tired?" 

"Yeah, a little," she yawned.

"Then get some sleep," I said smiling at her. 

She nodded and walked back to my room.

I walked back to the couch and lied down, thinking about everything that happened... everything that still will happen... before finally falling a sleep dreaming about a pair of too formilliar chocolate brown eyes...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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