Chapter 1

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It was late and dark as Rose, an elder lady, and her granddaughter walked down the dark streets. She clutched at her granddaughter's wrist tightly as her heels made a loud click-clack into the darkness. They had just come out from the local diner after her granddaughter had kept pouting that she was hungry after leaving the church at 10 pm. They had lost track of time and now it was late currently 12 am.

"Nana, am tired, I wanna go home." Luna pouted.
"Yes, Luna I know. We're going home already." Rose replied, a bit out of breath from walking briskly pulling her young one behind her.

Rose pulled Luna tighter this time making Luna's sleepiness disappear, alarming her.

"Ow! Nana, you're hurting me!" She cried out, looking up. Up ahead Luna could see a looming figure. She blinked and rubbed her eyes and yelled when the figure suddenly appeared inches from her face. Rose yanked her back pushing her behind her to protect her.      "Get back you demon child!" Yelled Rose. In response, the stranger gave a cold mocking laugh. "You, really want to scare the child? I promise not to hurt her. Just looking for a little," He looked at Luna through her grandmother's legs and continued. "Treat."  
"Go away you, thing!" Rose yelled taking a couple of steps back.
"I'm not a thing. I have a name! Peeta!" he hissed baring his sharp teeth. He bent down to come eye level with Luna and tried to meet his eyes with hers, threw her grandmother's legs, desperate to get to her.
"I said back you demon!"Rose scram and grabbed a bottle of water from her purse throwing it at Peeta's face. He hissed and screamed falling to the ground shaking. Luna's hand was tugged as her and her Nana Rose ran forward. "You will pay! For this!" Peeta screamed.

Luna broke out crying as her Nana picked her up and ran as her old self could stand. She was far too old to run any farther and she set Luna down ready to keep her as safe as she could.

"Nana! I'm scared, that boy wanted to hurt us." Luna sniffled.
"Shhh. It's alright, our god protects us." Rose replied, but yet at the moment she really couldn't believe the words. She felt doomed to protect her child.
"Are you so sure about that?" Peeta hissed lunging forward from the shadows.

Luna screamed as he reached for her. Rose got in the way and Peeta sunk his teeth into her. Luna's eyes went wide as she saw that his eyes went pitch black. She backed up sobbing and her Nana looked at her.

"Luna run! Run to the big church! Run and yell for help." Rose tried to yell.

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