The next day(8)

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Y/N's pov
When we got home Nyx and I just passed straight out and when we woke up they were on the bed and I was on the floor but I know that b/n was just being nice and alcohol makes me super gay and straight forward ,even more than I already am,but I decided to wake them up so I went over and shook their arm "Wake up Nixie."I said politely."Go the f*ck away b*tch"they replied turning over with eyes open flipping me off and going back to sleep(Not kidding this happened to me I was nixie in this situation and remember none of it) "No you need to AWAKENNNNN!!!"I said kinda suprised "If you wake me up again i will fcking cut you"they replied an went back to sleep. A few hours later they woke up on their own I had gone downstairs and seen that b/n had gone to te store so I decided to wait but right when I decided that he came through the door "Oh hello you're up already?"he said happily "Yep are you really happy for a reason or is it just you?"I asked."There is a reason i met this guy and he's so nice and his name is----
But really ppl were asking me to post more so here it would have been longer but this is good

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