Chapter Twenty

Comincia dall'inizio

I grab and apple from the fruit bowl, throwing at him. He caught it before laughing.

"Tucker, you have a girlfriend."

"It was a joke, clumsy." He says.

I couldn't help but to feel slightly hurt by that.

"Ready to go?" He asks. I nod, grabbing my bag as we headed into the garage. 

"What? Are you not going to open to door for me?!" I gasp, sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes. "I'm not always nice."

"I know." I said, getting in.

We drove off reaching the school and going our separate ways.

I reached my lockers, putting away my bag and grabbing some books, until it was shut right in front of me.

"Spill." Cathy demanded.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Bowling?! Kissing!!" She says. I press my fingers to my lips shushing her as I pulled her into the janitors closet, turning on the light.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I questioned, furious.

Did Tucker tell everyone?? He wouldn't.

"Um, hello? It's all over the school." She said.

"Who said what?!" I questioned, getting more anxious.

"It was posted on the school's website by Jackson Smith. A picture of Tucker and the back of a mysterious blonde kissing at a bowling alley." She said.

I immediately began to feel my throat swell. "Who's Jackson?"

"Star athlete by day, bowling alley worker by night. Don't worry, no one knows it was you, your face wasn't shown." She explains.

"Then how did you know?!" I questioned.

"Because we're friends, and I know you." She says.

"You swear that no one knows it's me?" I ask.

"Everyone is looking for a pretty blonde girl who wears tons of make up and pretty pink dresses, no one will expect a girl who binge watches Netflix all day in sweatpants and baggy t-shirts." She reassures me.

"This is so bad." I say, placing my hand on my forehead. "How's Diana taking it?"

That's when we heard Diana's voice shouting down the hallway.

"Whoever kissed my man, don't think I wont get revenge. I will ruin you!" Diana shouts.

"Not well." Cathy explains.


As class finishes I gathered up my books to leave. I needed to talk to Tucker, like now. I began to walk until I was stopped.

"Elise." A familiar voice said behind me. I turned around to find Thomas.

"Not now, Thomas." I said.

"Please let me explain--"

"I said not now." I repeated, sternly. Right now was not the time.

I exited the classroom in search for Tucker, and I spotted him, standing alone on his phone.

I ran up to him.

"Tucker." I said.

His face shot up in shock to see it was me. He put down his phone.

"Elise, right now is not--"

"Oh hey!" A voice said. I looked over to see Jay and Ethan approaching us.

"Elise, isn't it?" Ethan asked. 

"Isn't she the cleaning lady?..." Jay continued, confused.

I looked over to Tucker who looked at me.

"She goes to school here." Tucker explains. "I don't know why she thinks she can talk to me though."

Jay and Ethan laugh, and eventually Tucker gives in.


"Get lost." Tucker says.

"What?..." I replied, stupidly.

"I said, get lost. Do you not have ears?" 

That's when Diana joins in.

"What's going on?" She questions angrily.

"This bitch thinks she has a right to talk to me." Tucker replies.

Double ouch. The lump in my throat only got bigger.

That's when Diana stepped in front of me herself. 

"I never liked you anyways. He doesn't want you, I mean, look at you. Pathetic." She spits.

I glanced at Tucker who just smirked.

I walked away before the tears that were picking at my eyes could release.

"Are you okay?" Cathy says, stopping me in the hallway. "Who are they? I will beat their face in."

I wiped away my single tear, clearing my throat. "No one, it's nothing."

"Well, obviously something! Spill!" She said.

"Hey, want to go shopping now?" I questioned, changing the subject.

"You mean, ditch school?" She asked.

It didn't dawn on me that I was asking that until now. 

"Yeah...I guess." I replied. I've never skipped school, ever.

"Of fucking course!" She shouts excitedly. "I didn't know you were like that."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Bad ass. I like it." She winks. "Let's go."

I was ditching Tucker, which was exactly what I needed. I wanted to be no where near him right now. Shopping will get it off my mind.

The Summer Of Us (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora