Chapter 5

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The firemen walked through the woods in the direction of the Mystery Shack. They carried giant cans of gasoline and flame throwers.
"I finished installing those cameras, Mr Pines." Soos walked up to him holding his tool box in one hand and a small tablet in the other.

Stanford Pines turned around and sees the other man. "Good lad. Give it here."

Soos handed him the tablet and showed him how it works. "You see, I set up them cameras all around the Shack in the forest. We can have all the videos playing at once, or show just one."

Ford types in the camera numbers and pulls up each video. Then he goes to the collection of feeds and looks at all. Then he gets a puzzled look on his face.

"What's that?"

He taps on a camera and the video takes up the screen. Off in the distance are  the faint outlines of people. They get closer to the camera and can see that they carry large flamethrowers.

"That's not good," stated Ford. He glanced up at Soos. "Where is this camera?"

The maintenance man took the tablet and pulled up a map with the camera locations. That camera was five miles away. The people would be here soon.

"What do we do, Mr Pines?"

He stood there thinking before stating, "The bunker. We could take the rebels there. It's bigger, and we do need more space. But we would have to do it quickly. Go tell Dipper, Mabel , and Wendy. I'll find Stan."

"You got it, Mr Pines," he replied before running off to find those guys.

Soos found the three in the main room of the basement. They were all sitting down talking to each other when they noticed me.

"Hey Soos. What's up?" Dipper asked.

"We gotta leave, dudes. These people are coming with huge flamethrowers to burn this place. We have to go to that bunker of Ford's," he explained quickly.

Mabel looked alarmed. "What? I'm not supposed to move for a few weeks, so now you tell me that our home is gonna be burned,and I have to run halfway across the forest to a spooky bunker? Not cool."

"I'm afraid so, Hambone."

Dipper and Wendy jumped up and helped Mabel stand. Dipper turned to Soos and asked, "Where's Ford? I need to talk to him."

Soos turned and pointed behind them.  "He's in the room with the weapons."

Dipper rushed off, and Soos was left with Wendy and Mabel.

"So, dudes. We better start heading out." He helped Mabel steady herself, and the three ran to the main room.

They entered in and saw some people in a panic. Ford and Stan were both trying to quiet them but it wasn't happening. Then Dipper jumped up and a table and started shouting.

"HEY! You must all cooperate or none of us are leaving. Follow orders or you will die. There is no way around it if you stay," he yelled.

The people all turned to face him. Stan and Ford just looked mesmerized by the boy. Dipper coughed into his hand and asked, "Are you going to give instructions, or what?" Ford just shook his head.

Dipper glanced down and continued. "Alright. We all have to split into small groups and take the elevator up. From there, you will be directed to the new hideout." Dipper looked around as he thought. It was hard to know for Soos to know what the boy was thinking since he was wearing those big goggles still.

Dipper continued with, "The injured, women, and children will all go first. Wendy will go up with you and lead you to the bunker. Oh! And everyone grab a box of supplies if you are able. There isn't much there."

Wendy then stepped up with Mabel to the elevator. Wendy directed the injured and the children all inside. It was a tight squeeze, but they all fit and went up.

It was a few minutes before the elevator came back down. During those few minutes, Ford was watching the cameras. Dipper gave out a few more instructions about who would go next.

The elevator returned, and the few women and elderly got on. It took two rounds to get them all out. Ford and Stan went with those groups to lead the way to the bunker.

All that was left were the men. There weren't many of them, but it would take a trip or two with the tiny elevator. It came back down, so Soos and Dipper got on with another guy. The ride up was slow.

Finally, they got to the top. Dipper pushed his way through the broken boards of the shack and into the open air. He helped Soos and the other man out.

"Oh no."

Soos barely heard it, but Dipper definitely said something.

"What is it dude?" Soos asked.

"They were closer than I thought. They're right there." Dipper pointed off to the woods, and Soos saw the outlines of them.

"We gotta go, dude."

They all started running to the bunker. The men ran hard into the woods hoping the firemen didn't see them. The three ran many minutes before seeing Wendy. She was in the metal tree waiting to pull the lever. Dipper ran inside followed by the other man. Wendy jumped out of the tree and into the door. Soos followed right as it was closing.

Ford was inside doing a head count. He counted us then got a confused look on his face.

"There are some missing. Dipper! What happened? Where are they?" he asked.

Dipper stuttered before saying, "We were supposed to wait on them to come up the elevator, but when I got out, the firemen were right there. Us few, we ran trying to get away, and they got left..."

Ford bowed his head before Dipper spoke again. "They may have made it out before the fire! Look at the camera thing."

Ford pulled out the tablet and looked at the film. Dipper and Soos walked up and saw the Shack on fire. Some firemen were restraining a few that got left behind, but not all of them.

Two were laying at the edge of the fire.

Dipper sucked in a breath. Soos looked away from the screen to see that he was about to cry.

"I did that to those people," he murmured. "I led them to their downfall..." Dipper turned away and sat against the wall. Ford and Soos followed.

Ford spoke first, "Dipper, you saved so many people. It's okay."

"But it's not! Those people are dead or dying. The others will be prisoners and questioned," Dipper cried. "I thought I could help everyone. I thought I could be the leader for once..."

"Aww, but dog, you are totally a leader. All the time, bro. Remember when you took charge when looking for the lake monster? Or the pterodactyl? You are a natural leader," Soos said to cheer up the boy. 

He smiles at Soos.  "Thanks, Soos. I can get through this."

They fist bump and get up to take inventory of the supplies and tally the people.

I meant to publish this on thanksgiving but I was too busy having fun with my family. I hope you all had a great holiday.

As of now, this story is on hiatus until I get a few chapters written. I'm really falling behind on ideas.

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