Chapter 1

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"Dipper? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine Wendy. Go back to training,"  Dipper called back to her. But the truth is, he was not fine. He's been having major headaches since reading Bill's letter. With the headache comes a temporary blindness and a slight glow in the bad eye.

This happened just now during training.

Dipper stood there in front of the practice dummy until the pain subsided. It only lasted a few moments until it was gone. He started to train again until his name was called.

"Dipper!" cried the voice.

The boy turned and saw Mabel walking towards him.

"Hey. What's up?" he asked as he returned to punching the dummy.

"It happened again, didn't it. You got that pained look a minute ago. What's wrong?" she asked her brother.

"Nothing?" he said with a shrug. Dipper didn't want to lie to her, but he didn't want her to know. He had suspicions about what was really happening during the headaches. About what Bill had said when Dipper got his golden eye.

Mabel breaks the trance by snapping her fingers in his face.

"Just tell me what's going on, okay?" she says.

"Yeah. Sure. I'll explain later tonight."

With that said, she walked away and started talking to Ford.

Oh, what is he going to tell her? That he's been having headaches? That he's experiencing blindness? He's paranoid? No. It would be better if he  lied so she wouldn't worry.

But she should worry, Pinetree.

Dipper sucked in a breath at the words no one had said. It had come from his head.

Maybe he was just overworked and was hallucinating. The boy went to sit down and got some water. Wendy came and sat next to him on the ground.

"Are you okay? I don't think you are," she said.

"I'm going crazy. That's the only logical explanation for everything," he answered.

"Seriously. What is going on. Don't lie. You've been acting weird since the execution." She looked at me with a fierce glare in her eyes. Wendy wanted answers.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Wendy's glare disappeared at the words. "Is it about the letter? Look, everyone is scared. If you want to talk, that's okay," she told him.

Dipper nod his head but didn't reply. Wendy finishes her water and then gets back up, leaving Dipper alone.

He sits there thinking about what was wrong and the words Bill said when Dipper finally decide that he imagined it.

Just then, Ford walks in the room.

"Okay, we are planning a raid for tonight. We are in great need of more supplies. Any volunteers?" he asks.

Dipper raises a hand and shouts, "I'll go."

"Good. Anyone else?"

"If Dipper goes, so do we," cried Mabel. Behind her was Wendy and Soos.

"Excellent. That should be enough people for a small raid. Be ready by five o'clock," Ford said as he left the room.

It was now one. That left Dipper with four hours to think about stuff he'd thought of millions of times before.

He got up from the ground and walked over to Mabel and Wendy. "Meet me in about two hours by the portal. I need to talk to you two."

They both nod their heads, and Mabel asks, "Are you going to explain what's wrong?"

"Yeah. But you must swear not to tell anyone else. It's really important."


"I swear, too."

"Good," he says to them. "Until then, I'm going to clean my gun."

Dipper then walked into the weapons room and picked up the ESR. It's covered with dirt, grime, and God knows what else. The boy sat down and started to wipe it all away with an old rag.

When he got the outside cleaned off, Dipper take the rifle apart and cleaned the inside of it. After that is done, he polished the whole thing.

He finishes that and looks to his watch. It was almost three. He hadn't realized how long it took to clean the ESR until now.

He put up the gun and went into the portal room to wait for Mabel and Wendy.

Soon enough, they walk in.

"Okay. What's going on?" asks Mabel. "Tell us or we will force it out of you."

"You two might want to sit down. It's kinda weird. Well, weirder. But I'm going to wait for the right time to explain it all."

"I though you would tell us now," replied Wendy.

"I am. We just have to wait until something happens."

They look at him with confusion. He can tell that they don't understand, which he knew they wouldn't. Dipper sat down, and they followed suit. He then took of his goggles and waited.

They sat there for maybe a half hour without speaking. Mabel was the one to break the silence.

"Okay. I'll bite. What are we waiting for? Why can't you just explain it now?"

"You need to see it, first. You have to kno- Aaggghhh!"

Dipper grab his head from the pain. It's much worse than before. He looks up at Mabel and Wendy to see horror all on their faces.

"Dipper!" they both shout.

"Oh my gosh. Your eye is glowing!" said Wendy.

Dipper is still laying on the ground, looking at them through his left eye when the pain goes away, and he can see with the right. He sits up and put the goggles back on.

"So that's what's been happening since last month? How could you keep that a secret from me?" asked Mabel.

"It was never really a problem. But then it started to hurt. That one was actually the worst yet. I don't know what causes them, though," Dipper explained to them.

"Wow," said Wendy.


The kids just sat there for a while longer until they asked some more questions about it.

Wendy asked, "How often does it happen?"

"Usually every other day or so. They always come without warning," Dipper explain to her.

"What happens with the eye? Why does it glow?" Mabel asked.

"That I don't know. It just does."

"It seems like you don't know much about it."

"Well it's not like I've spent every waking hour studying it. I've had other stuff to do than worry about this."

Dipper got up and dusted off his shorts.

"Now, I'm going to get ready for the raid. It's close to five o'clock," he says.

"Do you think it's a good idea for you to go?" questioned Wendy.

"I'll be fine. Nothing will go wrong. It's just a normal everyday raid."

They walk into the training area and gather supplies and get ready to leave.

Who can decode the hidden message? Comment what you think it is.

*cough*It holds clues about the story*cough*

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