17. First Day of School

Start from the beginning

"Honey, we know all about you. After we heard a famous person was coming to our school, we knew we had to learn all about you," Brittany says.

"That's a little stalker-ish," I said. She ignored what I said and kept talking.

"So, now that we know all about you, let's hang out!" She exclaimed. Her friends kept getting closer to me as I backed into a wall. Brittany kept the smile on her face.

"I'll pass, thanks," I said and tried to walk away. I couldn't go anywhere, though, so I had to accept.

"It wasn't a question sweetie," she says, sounding threatening.

"Alright, fine!" I exclaimed. They backed up a few steps after that.

"Great! You have all classes with at least one of us, so you'll never be lonely," she tells me.

"Great.." I mumble.

"Hm?" She asks.

"Nothing! I just have to go to the bathroom really quick," I said.

"Oh, we'll come with you!" They exclaimed.

"No, it's alright. I'll see you in class," I said and excused myself. Thankfully they didn't follow me. I sprinted into the nearest girls bathroom and ripped my phone out. I held the one button and it called Josh. Yes, he was on my speed dial.

Ring, ring
Ring, ring

"Hello?" The voice said.

"Josh?" I asked, my voice wavering.

"Lillie? Aren't you at school? What are you doing on the phone?" He asked, his voice flicking with anger.

"Josh this place is hell!" I exclaimed.

"Lillie, what happend?" He asked.

"Well, there's this girl I met in first period-" I started.

"Lillie, no. Stop. Don't start me with girl drama. I won't get it. That's what Jenna is for," He said, and I could hear his smirk.

"No, Josh! They're forcing me to hang out with them and they threatened to ruin my life if I didn't!" I exclaimed. I know it sounded stupid, but it was true.

"I know you got that excuse from those mean girl stories. Lillie, it's not gonna work on me," He stated.

"Josh please! Listen to m-"

"Lillie, no. Look, I have to get on stage. I love you. I'll talk to you later," He said, cutting me off.

"Okay. Fine. Cya.." I mumbled. He sighed.

"I love you," He said again.

"Yeah, love you too. Bye," I said and hung up. After that the tears started coming down. God, I feel dramatic. Most people in this school would probably kill to hang out with these girls..

I messed around on my phone for a few more minutes, waiting for the bell to ring. Suddenly, a hand snatched my phone out of my hands.

"Hey-" I started, but looked up and saw the vice principal.

"Lillie Dun, correct?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Want to explain why you were on your cell phone?" I shook my head. "Well then, I guess I'll have to confiscate this then. Have a wonderful day Ms. Dun, and get back to class," she said and walked out, my phone in her hands.

"Great," I thought to myself.


I got my lunch tray and sat at an empty table, and after a few minutes it was halfway full. A bunch of people were trying to talk to me, asking me about Josh and Tyler, Tyler and Jenna, the baby, blah blah blah.

Everyone left when they saw Brittany and her friends coming. I was trying to remember what their names were when they plopped down next to me.

"Lillie, you're not really going to eat that, right?" Brittany said. I looked at her, confused.

"I was.. why?" I said slowly. She laughed.

"Well, for one, you really don't need to be eating more than one meal a day. You could think about losing a few pounds. Secondly, this school food isn't even edible," she says.  After that, I push my tray towards to other side of the table.

She started insulting me more, claiming to try and "improve me". I suddenly got up and tried to walk away, but she grabbed my arms to prevent me from doing so.

That's when I heard gasps from around the room. I turned around and saw Brittany on the ground, shock on her face. I realized I has pushed her onto the ground and I felt victory. That is, until a deep voice yelled behind me.

"Ms. Dun," I turned around to see the principal. A chorus of "oohs' when around the cafeteria. He gestured me to come forward and I followed him into his office.

"First day, already in the office, Ms. Dun?" He asked me. I glared at him as a response.

"Since you handled a situation physically, I'm afraid I can't let you off with a warning this time," He told me. "So, I'm gonna send you home. I'm calling your guardian now." He said before dialing someone.

"And here is your cell phone," he said and handed it to me. I snatched it from his hands.

I didn't care what my punishment was. The only thing I was thinking of was: What would have happend if Emma was here? We would be in here together, she would be in here, or she would have calmed me down so this didn't happen.

"Ms. Dun, are you alright?" He asked me. I gave him a confused look until I realized I've been crying. I nodded my head and wiped the tears away.

"Okay, your mother in picking you up in a few minutes," He said, and dismissed me. I sat outside his office for a while until I saw Jenna walk up. I got my stuff and met her in the car.

"Lillie!" She said, obviously angry.

"What?" I asked, simply. She glared at me.

"You know what! You can't just push people when you're angry!!" She exclaimed. "Now tell me about the call. Josh told me about it."

I sighed, but told her about it. I told her about what the girls did, what happend in class and at lunch. Her face softened.

"Lillie, I'm sorry." She said, sounding genuinely apologetic.

"How was the doctor's?" I asked, trying to change the subject. She kept her concerned look.

"It was good, the our little girl is doing just fine."

"That's good." The car ride was silent after that.

We got home and I got out of the car and ran to my room, jumping on my bed and burying myself under the covers.

"Lillie. I'm so sorry that happend." Jenna said soothingly. After she said that I started bawling into her shoulder. I just I had Emma back.

After crying for a while, Jenna left the room but came back shortly.

I cried myself to sleep after a while. Jenna left, leaving me with Spongebob and tears.

Hey guys. I'm sorry for the really bad writing for this chapter. I haven't been myself lately, whether it's stressing about not updating fast enough, school coming up, or stupid things. Anyways, I'm really sorry for the bad writing, but I hope you at least liked the chapter plot. I've also been having writers block the past few chapters, and would really appreciate it if you guys gave me some ideas. Anyways, hope you liked the chapter. Baiii!!!!!

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