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I say goodbye to my foster parents as I hop in the backseat of a car and made my dog jump in the seat beside me then drove off too the fostercare/ adoption centre. I know the people here well since I'm here 1 maybe 2 times a month.

I follow the lady into an office while someone else takes my dog and I go to talk with Wenny about what will happen with my future.
Foster parents don't want me and no one wants to adopt me.

I walked into her office and the door gets shut behind me.

"Casey take a seat" she said and I nodded and sat down.

"So how's life?" I asked her.

"Pretty good but I don't think you can say the same" she replied and I nodded.

"No one wants to take care of you, Casey" Wenny said.

"I know that"

"Your going to the orphanage" she said.

"No thanks" I said taking a piece of candy off her desk and throwing the wrapper in the trash.
She sighed.

"I didn't ask if you wanted to" she replied getting frustrated at me.

"I turn 18 in-" she cut me off.

"The law doesn't care if you turn 18 tomorrow Casey" she snapped.
"I know you turn 18 soon but until then you go to there" she said and I shook my head.

"It's no fucking far" I said.

"Casey watch your mouth" she said

"No, adults only want kids ages 15 and under"

"That's not true, adults don't like you because of your personality" she said.

"It's not my personality they don't like" I said and stood up.

"Casey sit down"

"I want my dog" I replied and she shook her head.

"Not yet, I have something to tell you"

"What is it?" I asked.

"You will
Be going under the care of a married couple named Becky and Jack, they have a son and daughter already, and you know the rest" she said and I nodded.

"I thought you said no one wanted me" I asked.

"Happy April fools Casey" she said and pointed to her calendar

I laughed at her the grabbed my bag and stood up.
She told me to
Follow her and I agreed.
I waited in the waiting room while Becky and Jack signed the papers.

"Let's go" Becky said and I smiled at her as my puppy Chevy got walked out.

"I got to ask is that mutt friendly?" Jack asked.

"Yes" I replied and they handed me Chevys leash I held on it tightly and I walked him to
The car that Jack and Becky were taking me in.

"How long have you had your dog?" Becky asked.

"11 months" I replied.

"And how old is he?" Jack asked.

"11 months" I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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