Chapter 3

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At lunch, I was sat on my own at my usual table. Usually my table would have been filled with my fake friends, but my so-called best friend, Ashley, wasn't in school that day, and people only sat with me because she did. When she wasn't in school, I had to sit alone. When she messaged me that morning, she had claimed to be sick, but I knew that she probably wasn't. She did this all the time, and it was probably just so she could stay at home while I had to go through being made fun of alone.

I took my school bag off my bag, then I unzipped it and took out my lunchbag. Then I zipped my bag back up, and I put it down on the floor beside me. I removed my box of tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches from my lunchbag, and I began to eat.

That was when he came.

I heard him approach my table, and I suddenly became scared. I was sure it was an older kid about to do something horrible to me, and I didn't want anyone to talk to me in case they yelled at me for not responding.

But then he walked over to the seat opposite me, and I saw that he wasn't an older kid at all.

"Is anyone sitting here?" he asked me, gesturing towards the seat.

I was still scared, because I probably wouldn't have been able to speak to him, and whenever someone wanted to sit with me, it was usually a joke or a dare by some other kids. But I forced myself to shake my head, not knowing what would happen next.

"I just saw you sitting on your own, and I felt kind of sorry for you. So I came over here." the boy told me, sitting down opposite me.

It was then that I recognised him as Charlie, from my English class. As I studied his face, I realised that he was actually quite handsome. He had long, dark curly hair that was quite messy and wild, and one lock of it hung delicately over one of his eyes, making him look kind of cute. He had beautiful ocean blue eyes that were almost stunning, and everything about him was perfect.

He was probably just like all the other kids at my school, though. And if he was a bad person, that was more important than what he looked like. But somehow I felt as if he was actually different to them.

I forced myself to nod, still scared that he was going to make fun of me.

"My name's Charlie. What's yours?" he asked me.

His voice sounded friendly, and not as if he was talking to me just for a dare or a joke. Something about him made me actually want to talk to him, but I didn't know if I could.

"Victoria." I whispered, trying to make myself speak to him.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Victoria." he said, smiling at me.

He stayed on my table for the rest of lunch, and I tried my best to talk to him when he asked me questions. I got to know him a bit better too, and I found out a few things about him, like that he would like to be an actor and a director in the future. It kind of felt nice to have someone sitting with me at lunch, especially since I had been expecting to be sat alone that day.

When the bell went for the end of lunch, I put my lunchbag back into my school bag, then I left the canteen for my next lesson.

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