Chapter 1

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When I went to school that morning, I thought it was going to be just another normal day, with the same things happening to me as usual. Waking up, going to school, trying to get through all five lessons of the day while being made fun of by the other kids, and then finally going home at the end of the day.

But that day was different.

It was the day that I met him.

That morning, I walked through the school gates and across the car park to get to my form room, like I did every morning. I went into the main building, and I made my way through the corridors until I finally arrived at where I was supposed to be.

I opened the door to my form room, then I entered the room. I found my seat, and I sat down in it, taking my school bag off my back and placing it on the floor. I waited for my form tutor to take the register, and I rehearsed the word 'here' over and over in my head, preparing myself as I knew I was first on the list.

"Victoria?" the form tutor called.

"Here." I forced out, barely whispering.

She moved on to the next person on the register, and I breathed out, relieved that the moment was over. When she had finished taking the register, the form tutor told us about the work that we were going to be doing that morning.

"Okay, class. Today in form, we are going to be completing some numeracy sheets." she announced.

She instructed a girl from my table to hand out the sheets, and when everyone had one, she told the class what to do. After she had finished her explanation, I started the sheet. Maths was one of my worse subjects, but the sheet was surprisingly easy.

As I was answering a question, I heard my name mentioned in a conversation between a girl and a boy sat at the back of the classroom. They were laughing, which meant that they were probably making fun of me.

Everyone at my school picked on me. There really was not one person in my school that didn't, because they all hated me. Even my so-called friends, because they didn't even care about me.

The reason why everyone hated me so much was because I didn't talk at school. It wasn't something that I could change, because the reason why I didn't speak was because of a disorder that I had. Sometimes I wished that I could just be normal, but I was also kind of glad that I wasn't like the other kids at my school.

The other kids at my school were just horrible people. All they ever did was make fun of people, even people they didn't know. They disrupted lessons all the time and spoiled other people's chances of a good education, and they smoked, drank and did various other illegal things when they were much too young. They just disgusted me.

And even though I hated myself, I would rather have been me than one of them.

When the bell rang for the end of form, I walked out of the classroom. I made my way to my next lesson, which was English.

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