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Tagged by EmilyDog2


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1.Which Avenger would you marry? Steve.

2.Marry kiss or kill? Bucky, Falcon, Clint? Marry Bucky, kiss Clint, kill Falcon (Sorry)

3.Fav. Marvel movie? CA: Winter Soldier

4.Lest fav. marvel movie? The incredible Hulk

5.Fav. Marvel villian? Loki

6.Marvel or DC? MARVEL💁

7.Would you rather date loki or Thor? Loki

8. If you could be in a Marvel movie which one would it be? Captain America: Civil War or Avengers Infinity Wars

My Questions:

1. Inhumans or X-Men?

2.Fav. Tv Show?

3.Fav. Snack?

4.Disney land or Disney world?

5. Disney channel or Cartoon network?

6. Biggest fear?

7. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

8.Marry, Kiss, Kill- Bucky, Steve, Black Widow.

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