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*walks towards the woods wearing a large hoodie to protect himself from the sun*

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): *Purple, being the dramatic "lone wolf" that he is, decides to try and get a share in the woods. His brothers all said he was crazy, but he didn't care. So he strolls around the woods, thinking there has to be someone else taking a scenic stroll.*

Vampire Little Boy: *gets to the woods and sighs happily getting in the shade, since the sun makes him feel weak, he has curly brown hair and blue eyes very frail and small, looking like any other innocent little kid*

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): *The demon slows his pace as he senses something... Another presence. He goes to investigate. He watches the child from a few feet away. He almost feels bad that his share would be a poor, innocent young boy, but there doesn't seem to be any other presence here. There is something strange about him, but he can't tell what it is. He simply watches the child, waiting for a chance to strike.*

Vampire Little Boy: *giggles a bit and he runs for a bit until he gets to a heavily shaded area surrounding a very large old tree*

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Oh? What's got this child so worked up? *He speaks quietly, and follows the young boy. He still stays in the midst of other trees, keeping an eye on the kid, hoping he'd pull out a box of candy or something.*

Vampire Little Boy: *theres a hole at the bottom of the giant tree and he climbs inside the tree* where did the rabbit go?

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): *He can't help but chuckle as he watches the child's little antics. He still feels a tiny bit of pity for the kid, considering he'll have lived a short life. At least that's what Purple thinks.*

Vampire Little Boy: *crawls out. And he grabs an animal trap from behind the tree and it has a rabbit trapped inside* There you are you little butthead *smiles a bit his eyes flashing red*

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): *He again speaks under his breath* So he was expecting the creature. How cute. *He chuckles softly to himself, feeling slightly ashamed he'd have to interrupt these antics.*

Vampire Little Boy: Im sorry Mr.Rabbit i have to do this but it wont hurt you i promise *carefully gets the rabbit out and when he talks his fangs show and his eyes turn red*

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): *He now realizes why the child's presence was so strange. He isn't human. Which means trying to kill him would prove fruitless. He is a bit disappointed, but sits on the ground and continues to watch the child.*

Vampire Little Boy: *he feels bad and he gently bites the rabit and it squirms for one second then goes limp and he closes his feeling bad as he drinks its blood*

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): *The demon leans forward a little to watch this scene, and words accidentally escape his lips.* A vampire child... There would prove no point.

Vampire Little Boy: *jolts at the voice and he looks around scared*

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Oopsie. Tongue slipped. *He chuckles a little, and stands, but does not yet emerge from his hiding place in the trees.*

Vampire Little Boy: *backs up into the tree cared dropping the bloodless rabit body*

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): *He feels a bit bad for startling the child so bad, and so steps out from the trees, approaching the child.* I am so sorry, young one. I didn't mean to frighten you. The words simply slipped past my lips without my noticing.

Vampire Little Boy: *his voice shakes he isnt used to hearing other voices so hes scared* G...go away o...or ill hurt you

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Oh, calm yourself, child. I will not harm you. There would be no point. My tactics most likely wouldn't work on a vampire. You needn't be afraid. I'll cause you no harm.

Vampire Little Boy: *slowly crawls out a bit and looks up his curly hair hiding his eyes and he tries to not look so tired or weak* Y...you promise?

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): There would be no point in trying to, so yes, I can promise you I will do you no harm. *He stops walking towards the child, and bows a little.*

Vampire Little Boy: *small bow as well* W...would you like to come in my home? Since its day out

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Well... I don't want to intrude on anything, but if you're willing to offer, I suppose there's not much to intrude. I accept.

Vampire Little Boy: *smiles and crawls back inside its actually very big and theres a few boxed a bed mat and then a hammock and a few other things* m...my names damien

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Pleasure to meet you, Damien. My brothers address me as Purple, you can probably see why. *His name was obvious, as he has lavender eyes, somewhat messy dark purple hair, and an outfit with a color scheme of purple and black, a few splashes of white here and there. His skin was nearly ridiculously pale.*

Vampire Little Boy: Wow *looks you over and he climbs up sitting on the hammock* i wanna ask... Do you eat like i do? Or like a human?

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Well, I am capable of consuming human food, but it only gives half as much energy as a human soul. That's the main part of my dietary firms. I generally poison a human, or few if I find a group, and then consume their soul. It's what all of my brothers do, as well. All the same species, you know.

Vampire Little Boy: Wow thats cool *looks at you intrigued and rubs his eyes*

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Just the way of demons like me. Though we're not your typical demons. We're not of Heaven nor Hell, but rather we are a small species entirely on our own. But it doesn't matter, we get along just fine.

Vampire Little Boy: That sounds cool *yawns quietly and rubs his eyes *

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): *He looks back at the child* Tired? Well, fortunately, we are in your home, so you could easily get comfortable and rest a bit. I wouldn't mind.

Vampire Little Boy: *yawns and shakes his head* I..im not s..sleepy *lays back in the hammock trying to stay awake]

Food demon (1 of 6) (It'll be easier if you let me explain): Oh, there is no need to fib. I can tell that you're not at a hundred percent energy. You can go ahead and rest. I really won't mind. I understand that young children need a bit of rest from time to time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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